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Aaron and Unnamed

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Hello, everyone! Just wanted to give a little update. My Congo is doing very well, and has actually just this week started to let me give him little skritches, on occasion! I think he's acclimated very well to his environment and grown accustom to his daily routines. In the morning, I let him out for about an hour onto his cage, where he drums jubilantly, and then it's back in for feeding time. He's picked up on my whistle, and mimics it whenever he needs to get my attention.


I want to thank everyone for all they've helped with me for my first CAG. I do believe I'd like to get another for my Flock, but that will probably be much later down the road.


One again, thanks to everyone who's helped! :)



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It is so rewarding to watch you take your time and earn the trust of a second-home CAG. When we got our first baby parrot, it was love at first sight and everything seemed effortless and wonderful. Nothing quite compares to getting a full grown adult African grey and working so hard to find ways to connect and help him recognize he is cherished and safe and after long months of longing for a connection he will just now come out of his cage and play. You are getting to know your Congo on his terms and it will be a lifetime of rewards for you, and for him. I am not sure what you mean by drumming, is he beating his wings? Jubilant is a good word and when you are talking about greys, it is the greatest joy for him to share excitement with you. Congratulations on getting him to eat pellets and all the healthy changes you have considered to give him the very best you have to offer. Great job Aaron.

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welcome Sheldon, enjoyed reading all about 'congo' sounds like things are going very well, I feel the same as you about this site its been a real big help to me over the last year, look forward to hearing more about congo.

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  • 1 month later...
Thank you for your honesty, Murfchck! I understand what you're saying and agree to an extent. Perhaps I will "wait" on the name change until he is more comfortable with me, rather than rush in to things... After all, I may just get used to and enjoy the name "Congo."


What a good first impression I have of this forum! :D I love it!


LOL! I just adopted 7 year-old CAG from a pet store where she had been for 10+ weeks. I tried calling her Greycie a few times, even though they said her name was Cheyenne. Twice in the first 2 days she responded when I called her Greycie with "Cheyenne". So now she is Cheyenne. Not my favorite name or even on a list of names I would pick, but she knows it and corrected me twice.

  • Haha 1
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