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Eye pinning with Food?

Guest Jocelyn

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Guest Jocelyn

Yesterday I gave Romeo a small piece of warm potatoes off my plate. And his eyes started pinning like crazy when he ate it He also makes a funny little noise if he is going to allow you to touch him and his eyes will pin for a split second.


I thought I pinning meant fear and anger? I have seen him do it when he's scared too.


What does this mean?

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Eye pinning can be for pleasure as in he was enjoying that piece of food, I have observed my grey doing the same thing with food or other fun things but yes it also is a warning when they might be about to bite or dislike something, as you observe Romeo more you will learn when he is just happy or giving a step back for a moment warning.

That funny little noise he makes when he is going to allow you to touch him is probably unique to each grey as mine does a sound that is strange to someone else I know who has a grey as hers does not do it but she has done it from the time I have had her, thats just Romeo's happy sound.

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Ah yes, learning to read your grey/parrot. It takes awhile but if you really pay attention you will learn to do it. My zon has smiling eyes sometimes. They are bright and beautiful and I love to see them. You need to combine the body language, tilt of head, and eyes together and then you can see the differences.

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Cheese is king, and so are chicken drumstick bones at our house. Brutus' eyes only seem to pin for pleasure. When I was gone for a couple of weeks and walked in the door, his pupils all but disappeared. Also, if i ask him if I can pet his head, his pupils get really small, and I know he would like a head scratch in the worst possible way. I aim to please!

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