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Ivan's Feathers


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Hi everyone,


I haven't been on in a while since I lost Ivan almost a month ago. It has been rough, I miss him a lot. In a moment of feeling very sad and down I called a bird shop I go to and asked if they happened to have any Pionus (a species I have been wanting for years) and they had a 7 year old female Dusky and so I brought her home. I named her Iris and she is a dolly. I keep finding different pictures of Ivan that I didn't know I had which is sometimes hard. Anyway, I wanted to show you what I got. There is an artist on Etsy who makes these feather pendants and I asked if they would consider making a custom one. They said yes and I sent a few of Ivan's feathers and they made these pendants for me. I only ordered one but they said that they couldn't bear to not use all his feathers so they made two of them for me. I love them and it makes me feel good to have a piece of him with me.


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It is so thoughtful for you to come back in and let us know how you are doing. The pendant is a lovely tribute to Ivan and is very touching. I saved feathers from the first two babies we lost to illness. This seems like a beautiful way to hold him symbolically over your heart. Dusky will bring you much joy, its great for you to open your home and heart to her.

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I am so happy you have something to remember Ivan! You will never forget him. I promise you, the pain does ease over time. The happy memories become more important. Welcome to Dusky, now Iris. We want to here all about her. I am sure Ivan would be thrilled that you have opened your heart to a bird that needs love and a home. God bless you! Nancy

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