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One very wet birdy


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With Dorian it's key to provide many opportunities and wait until the mood strikes. When I think it's time for a bath I change his water dish more than usual, always filling with ice cold water from the fridge. Then I just wait for him to jump in. Once he's decided it's time to get wet he'll let me help by spraying him, but if I start without his invitation he shreaks like he is being killed. lol

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Cute little wet boy.

Brutus continues to hate showers, but sometimes he dunks himself. I found a great way to get him wet without him realizing just how wet he is getting. Does that make sense?

My hose nozzle has a setting of "mist" and it is pretty amazing how thoroughly wetting it is. I clean the cage at the same time he gets a shower. Win-win!

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You all will think I am nuts but Maverick actually showers with me about twice a week. As soon as I brought him home I started allowing him to sit on top of the shower doors while I showered myself. After a couple of weeks I tried having him step up after I finished bathing myself and brought him down by the stream of water. He stuck his little foot out and allowed himself to get wet. Ever since then we just repeat this routine. I shower while he sits on the doors, then he gets to come in and gets a couple passes through the stream and everyone is happy! Hahaha.. I have tried just letting the water run in the empty shower to see if he would shower by himself but that seems to be too scary still.

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