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Noob and George checking in


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Hey everyone I have a five month old CAG, George, who is very sweet most of the time.


Today though I think I did some damage to our relationship. Here's what happened:


I bought the Aviator Harness for George and today was the first day I attempted to use it. He wasn't scared of it. He was used to having it around and playing with it.


So I thought I'd finally try it out.


This is all my fault because I am bad with straps anyway. (which way to pull, etc) and I should have had someone help me.


I got it on him without TOO much of a struggle but it wasn't easy. Then I perched him on the outdoor perch and took him for a walk which he seemed to enjoy.


The major problem was getting it off him. I did watch the video and tried to imitate what she did. It looked like she loosened one strap and it easily came out from underneath the wings and off the head.


Well, being bad at straps this was a disaster. I didn't know which one to pull to loosen it, he was biting the heck out of me and struggling. I was trying to pull a wing through and I thought I had it through but somehow it wasn't.


Long story short it was about 15 very unpleasant minutes of unpleasant business to finally get it off him.


So now I think I've ruined any chances of trying this on him again. And I also fear he might be scared of me now.


I'm sad because I wanted him to use the harness to enjoy flying but I think I ruined it.


Do you have any advice on how to fix this? As in letting George allow me to try this harness again? Or have I completely blown it?


Thank you :)

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Welcome to you and George! I'm a newbie myself and don't have any experience with aviator harnesses, but someone who does will come along and help :) I have had experience with similar "negative situations" with my TAG though. You haven't ruined your relationship, he'll get over it and trust you again. It may take a little time though!

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Thank you for the welcome. :) It's been about an hour since the harness disaster and George is just sitting in his usual spot but very quiet. I figure I'll just let him be for a while. Thanks for the welcome again!



Quite a few people have difficulties in the beginning. This may help you because it allows you to practice before using it on your bird. This particular figure is made by Hasbro but there's other children's stores that have them.



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One important thing to remember. All relationships have setbacks, and setbacks do not end relationships.

A setback should be sean as a learning device.

OH and Welcome to the grey forum to you and george.

Edited by Ray P
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Hi Dave, Thanks for the info. I think I should get a stuffed bird like the guy on the video to practice on.


Also, is it possible to change the thread title and add : "and harness help"



No, but you can repost your question about the harness in either the GREY FORUM or TRAINING sections. Just rename your post. Example----Need help with harness


BTW, that is a stuffed animal in the picture

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One important thing to remember. All relationships have setbacks, and setbacks do not end relationships.

A setback should be sean as a learning device.

OH and Welcome to the grey forum to you and george.


That is true. This was the first "major" set back since I've had him. It seems he's getting back to normal. Making noises, cat calls, and he doesn't seem mad at me. Thank you for the welcome. :)

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There are times when we think we have totally blown it but given a little time the ripples smooth out and we come away with a better knowledge, when one of these setbacks happens just carry on as usual and things fall into place, order is restored and everyone is happier, don't sweat the small stuff.

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Welcome to you both! You are in for many wonderful days ahead with your baby. As far as the harness, the one thing you said that sticks out to me is you saying something about trying to pull a wing through. This is probably fine handling for a bird used to touching and handling in this manner in a calm circumstance. I had a little trouble with mine the first time, I too was clumsy and he thought I wanted him to step up when I tried manipulating the harness. The first time was a disaster for us both. The next day I tried again and things went alot better. Now he tries to "help". When removing it make sure you get the harness pulled open all the way to one side enough to bring it around the wing. It's probably better to do more work with the harness than trying to move his wing around. Later down the road he might decide that's ok for you to do but I would focus on touching, pulling and prodding him the least when removing it. Good luck!

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Quite a few people have difficulties in the beginning. This may help you because it allows you to practice before using it on your bird. This particular figure is made by Hasbro but there's other children's stores that have them.




Darnit, why couldn't I find something like that when I first got Jasper's harness??

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Welcome to the forum and thanks for joining us. I agree with the others and vote that George will forgive you, he just got panicked and scared. If you practice the harness buckles and get to know how best to use it, you can introduce it back to him and see what he thinks. It will be a little scary the first time you take it off again maybe because of the unpleasant business. I find it helps a lot when I have to approach something like this if I first get real calm and visualize it being successful. Then ask George for his cooperation and I am guessing the two of you can do it together. He is still young, he has had many good interactions with you so I would bet he will be fine to give you another chance after a few days. A nice treat or two when you have success getting it back on him and a pleasant outing may give him a reason to want to cooperate.

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