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Scared but why?


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Hello everyone,


I'm new here so I hope i'm posting in the right section.


I have an African Grey who is 5 months old and has been fine with all members of the family up until now. I am her favourite and she will fly on me and get excited every time I walk into the room. She wasn't keen on my little boy but really liked my boyfriend. But now over night everything has changed. She likes my little boy and hates my boyfriend. He's tried so hard with her but every time he goes near her she nearly has his hand off and then flies to me as if i'll protect her. It's like she is petrified and I really don't know why. He's not a loud person, he would never hurt her. So i'm baffled and he is really upset.


Is there anything we can do or will she just hate him forever?

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Hello everyone,


I'm new here so I hope i'm posting in the right section.


I have an African Grey who is 5 months old and has been fine with all members of the family up until now. I am her favourite and she will fly on me and get excited every time I walk into the room. She wasn't keen on my little boy but really liked my boyfriend. But now over night everything has changed. She likes my little boy and hates my boyfriend. He's tried so hard with her but every time he goes near her she nearly has his hand off and then flies to me as if i'll protect her. It's like she is petrified and I really don't know why. He's not a loud person, he would never hurt her. So i'm baffled and he is really upset.


Is there anything we can do or will she just hate him forever?


Greys are known for changing their personal preference when they start to mature but 5 months old generally isn't when that's been known to happen. In some cases "trying really hard" can be misconstrued by parrots as aggression depending on what he's doing to try and interact with him. A new bird might be docile for the first few weeks you have him and once feeling confident in a new environment may start to express their true preference or behavior. Use small tokens of kindness to win a bird over. If it doesn't want attention. Leave a treat in reache and walk away and then eventually work up to handing it to them directly. Being to hands on to quickly can create greater issues.

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Thanks FirstPenguin, A Grey matures at around 4yrs old, during this time and sometimes into old age, a Grey can change preference. A critical time is after fledgling and the period when they are homed and socializing during the first year. They can also change attitude if a person changes soap or mannerisms etc........Thanks....

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Yes, sounds like the honeymoon period is over and he is starting to settle in and change his ways. That is normal. You can't force a bird to accept everyone. It needs to be their choice who they desire and want to interact with, and who they choose to ignore. I have 6 birds, my cockatiel I got, haes me and loves my daughter, his choice, nothing I do changes that, so I accept it, clean and feed him, talk to him while my hands are hidden, otherwise he growls at me, and accept it. My greys change who their favorite one is periodically, we accept it, and go with the flow,. It makes a much more secure and happier bird.

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I live alone so my three parrots have only me and therefore, I am the favorite by necessity. They do have others that they like, my oldest daughter because she always eats their pistachios and will share and my next door neighbor because he is 6'5" and therefore the highest perch in the room. Just give your parrot a chance to get to know others and they will find others that they like as well. Others should relax and invite the parrot(s) to join in if he/they choose.

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I can understand the hurt and dissappointment. I treated my birds as youngsters, a little differently. ( 12 years ago!) I was always the mom ( rom). Kids were involved in their care, Sophie was left confused... everyone was involved in her care, she couldn't figure out whom she could focus on the most. She loved everyone! THAT was my plan! EVERYONE was part of her life! We continue to all be part of her life. She loves us for different reasons. Sophie was never allowed to bond with just one human. She has bonded with all of us. I am her mom. I make the ultimate decisions for our flock. Nancy

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He may have tried too hard and you cannot force yourself on a grey, you have to take it slow and easy but all is not lost, it will just take time, maybe lots of it and patience. She may never come to favor him as before but it doesn't mean they won't ever have a good relationship, have him back off a bit and take it in small steps and see what happens.

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