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Hi! My name is Karen and I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and have had my Grey, (Cosmo) for 15 years. I was invited to introduce myself when I posted this morning about his plucking . I have learned a lot over the past 15 years and we have have enjoyed every minute of it. I got Cosmo after I had to retire due to a stroke He has been great therapy. He is so entertaining that sometimes we turn the volume down on the TV just to listen to him talk. Every once in a while he will go through his hole vocabulary, every word and saying he has ever heard including some he shouldn't say.


Along with Cosmo, I have two Shelties who he loves to tease by getting on the bottom of cage and taunting them. Hopefully, taking the advice I got this morning, this plucking thing he is doing is temporary.

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Welcome Cosmo and Karen it's nice to meet you both, Casper and me are so pleased you decided to join us. There is lots of information on here, but if you can't find what you are looking for don't be afraid to join in any of the threads, that's how we all get to know each other. x

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