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How do I introduce him to baths?


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Hello all


I picked up my second grey yesterday from my breeder. He is 3 months old and is the cutest little thing He is still settling in but he seems to be happy.. He is playing with his toys, eating etc... I also have a female grey she is 1,5 years old and she absolutely hates baths. I've had her since she was 2,5 months old. I do not want to make the same mistake with the guy I picked up yesterday so I want to know whats the best way to introduce a bathe to a grey?


Please excuse my poor english..

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Yes, there is no guarantee that introducing a grey to a bath regimen a certain way, will ensure that they like it. I have 2 greys, one will bathe on her own terms, and the other one rarely will, and again it is on her own terms. I learned that over a few years, you would think I was murdering them if I tried to get them wet in any way shape or form. Most important, don't force it, let THEM decide. It won't hurt them if they do not bathe weekly. IMO

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Thanks judygram. I didn't see the threads before you told me. It was good reading and I will try some of the advices. I didn't know that the greys preferred cold water over warm so I will try that :o)

I will not force him to anything Talon, thanks for the advice :o) I've come to know that you must not force a parrot to do anything they will not do... Stupid parrots ;o)

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My guy HATES showers, but he gets one every Sunday. We just roll his cage outside, put the nozzle on mist and let 'er rip. I got tired of trying to coax him into the shower, so now he has no choice. I always make sure and praise him when he is showing signs of toleration, rather than active avoidance. It is funny because his brother, the Amazon, LOVES showers, and it hasn't rubbed off on Brutus. Nice thing about "Shower Sunday" I clean the cage at the same time as the shower. I have posted 1000 times with this post. Wow!

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Zak hates to go into the shower cabin when he knows he's gonna get a shower. He also hates showering first few minutes. Than he just LOVES bathing and flaps his wings, makes cute noises and get's me completely wet in the process, but for some odd reason it isn't enough to get him into the shower cabin next time with a smile on his face (obviously I don't mean literally;-))

Good luck!

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Sounds like most greys do not like to bathe. I don't like the idea of forcing them to but I guess it is important and they'll have to get a wet sooner or later. Thank you all for your replies. I appreciate your help.

Morana you are very lucky your grey enjoys baths even though he hates the first few minutes :-)

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Today was bath day. We tell Jake he is going for a swim. I fill a 9 x 13 clear glass baking pan with water and put it on the top of his palace. He normally loves to splash around and today he managed to soak himself from the neck down. I wish I would have had the camera handy to take video of how he not only used his wings to scoop the water and direct it down his back but also push down and force the water up to get under his wings. He was one soggy birdie.

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I spray Bernie with a misting bottle on a daily basis and he actually enjoys that.


Every seven days or so, right after the misting, he heads over to his over-sized water bowl, sticks his feet in, flaps his wings and takes his own bath for about 20 minutes.

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