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blood on my african grey's wing


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This morning I woke up this morning and I spotted some blood on my african grey's wing. I had them clipped about a year ago and they are starting to grow back. I can not recall seeing her doing anything to pluck or harm herself but that doesnt mean it didnt happen. Can anyone shed some light on this? Is this normal?


So here it is my birthday and I wake up, truck wont start, and the second love in my life has blood on her wings..... geesh!

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She might have broken a blood feather, check to see if it is still bleeding and if not then she will take care of it herself, if it is still bleeding you can put some cornstarch or flour on it to stop it.

Sounds like the beginning of a bad day but it is your birthday so look on the bright side, you are another year older and wiser, hope your day ends a lot better than it started.

Why not introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us more about yourself and your grey like what is her name, her age, how long you have had her and so forth and so on.

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This is probably caused by a damage pin feather. When new feathers form they start off as pin feathers and these have a good blood supply. They can sometimes cause irritation and the bird may over preen it and this can cause bleeding. Normally as they grow longer the sheath breaks down with the assistance of normal preening to release the feather. Sometimes the bleeding can by quite copious so a visit to the vet may called for. If the bleeding has not stopped the remains of the pin should be removed by the vet. This did not necessarily happen because you had your pets wings clipped because feathers come and go through natural moulting and pins can get damaged. However if a number of pins are coming at once the bird may feel more irritation than otherwise. A good spraying with aloe vera will help provide relief. Also in normal moulting the pins are protected by the surrounding feathers but if a number have been clipped at the same time when they regrow they are less well protected so are more prone to accidental breakage. My only other comment is to say that parrots are happier healthier and better off without clipping so think carefully before you have it clipped again.


Steve N Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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