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Strange noise


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When we adopted Sophie at age two, I made an appointment for " healthy bird appointment". Within two days being here... she was sneezing. Achoo! I was concerned, moved her appointment up. I had found an " avian specialist". Brought her in.... he couldn't help but laugh! She apparently was imitating Sean, my son, who was sick. Nancy

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The funniest thing was when Kookie started coughing one day, I ran to to check him out but I saw and heard nothing. Next time I was just beside him and I saw him shake up while that sound came out, coughing like a smoker. I was seriously concerned when this was repeated and every time hi moves heavily as if it was coming out from deep within his chest. Hurried to the vet...who laughed at me cos Kookie was apparently imitating my neighbor who coughs out loud at night. Turned out Kookie was as healthy as a a little devil...

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Sounds like baby honking to me. I have a 5 month old CAG, when I got him he would make baby honks all the time on top of his practice talking, which pretty much sounded like Scooby Doo talking. they've got voice boxes that can produce sounds we can't dream of making. Unless these sounds are accompanied by sedentary or "sickly" behavior I wouldn't worry.

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