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I know I have posted briefly about this before, but Maverick is sure getting worse in the way of tolerating other people. We have been working with him daily so that he will hopefully at least tolerate Eric enough for him to get him in and out of his cage when I am not able to get straight home from work. This doesn't seem to help, however. He hates him and lunges to bite him every chance he gets. He even bit me last night by mistake thinking it was Eric's hand by him while we were all on the couch. He also "screams" bloody murder when I leave the room despite anything we try. We have tried flat out ignoring him when he does this and I have also tried speaking to him to let him know I DO hear him. Any suggestions? Clearly he is bonded to me but for his own sake, it would be nice if he would at least tolerate Eric.

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I wish I could help, but I don't have enough experience. Hopefully someone will come along with some suggestions. From what I've read, I'm wondering if he sees you as his "mate?" That would provoke the attacks and jealously of your significant other I would guess. As to how to correct it, not a clue here!

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We have tried flat out ignoring him when he does this and I have also tried speaking to him to let him know I DO hear him.

For how long have you tried ignoring him? I put few months work into it before Zak started to change. It took even longer to stop completely. IMO, if you answer while he is screaming you are reinforcing the behavior. Zak now screams only if he is hungry because he is a lazy little spoiled brat who sometimes likes to get carried to his cage to have a snack rather than going himself. So when he starts to scream and I'm ignoring him and it doesn't stop I just put him to eat and that is it. He basically trained me to be his valet. So, i think "normal" screaming for attention (not food related or any other kind of need) should never be reworded and should stop after a while if not reinforced. You just need to be persistent.

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Im sure ... if you just give it a few more days there will be lots of advise coming your way with helpful suggestions on what to do for your baby.


I guess (for now) I am lucky that Marco will atleast step up and go to my hubby but she always watches where Im at (which I think is funny) some times she throws a little protest to step up to him and nips him but he wont back down and i think shes really just resided to the fact she might as well cuz he aint going away til she does LOLOLOL !!!!!!!!


definately keep having eric try, have him talk to her quietly, and try best he can to interact. my hubby puts marco to bed and gives her treats that is "their time together".


I think as far as the screaming .. .gosh all I can tell you is ive seen ppl say patience ... and LOTS of it ... whether its ignoring or whatever you choose to do, stick to it! have you tried maybe a cover over the cage? Ive only had marco 8 months and havent had any type of problems like this so those are my only suggestions.


I can tell you my 2 grown children however Marco does not like nor will she step up or go to them infact ... she tries to attack any time they try to touch her so they just stopped trying.

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