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Hi & Welcome,


At 2 years old she is still young enough to teach her to step up, be patient with her.


Slowly extend your hand to the bird, Some birds can be frightened by sudden movements and may not be used to being handled. Make sure that at first you move very slowly and stay calm to avoid scaring her.Gently press your index finger to the bird's lower abdomen, most birds will automatically step-up when they sense pressure on their bellies. Using a calm, pleasant voice, say "Step-Up": With regular training, your bird will soon recognize this command as her cue to step onto your hand. Reward her with lavish praise & sometimes a small treat when she does it.<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2007/10/07 21:22

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If you bought her home yesterday, then she is nervous. If I was you I would leave her cage door open, talk to her, maybe read to her, give her treats and wait on the stepping up for a while.

At least for a week or so. I know you want to bond with her right away, but at 2 she has had some life experiences that you don't know about, maybe good, maybe bad, so let her get used to you and your home before you try to physically interact with her.

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If it helps with your nerves you could use a perch to step up onto and then progress onto your hand when you feel comfortable. Greys are attracted to certain colours and yellow / gold is often popular. We used a bright yellow perch which worked well, and still do now when Herbie seems reluctant to step up onto our hands

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Thank you so much everyone for your respones! I have her in my room right next to my bed. I keep her cage door open and talk to her a lot. When I put my hand in the cage she looks at it funny and I guess I'm more affraid than she is. I think it is my own fears. If I put something on my hand like a glove or sock, would that be disturbing to her?


Thanks again!

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You might find keeping her cage door closed when you are not trying to get her used to your hand. Parrots need to feel secure and in the long term having boundaries. Leaving her cage door open all the time could confuse her and make her insecure. I would definately go with the perch in your hand rather than gloves or socks.

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I would not recommend putting a glove or anything else on your hand. It would probably frighten the daylights out of her.


1 day in your home is nothing, in the amount of time it may take for her to trust you and feel comfortable in her unfamiliar new surroundings.


Just give her space as you are and let her come out when she feels comfortable in doing so. It will take patience, but it will be worth it. If you push her to interact with you more than she is ready for, you could scare her more than she already is and make her start distrusting you.


I know it's probably killing you inside, for her not to display the love you obviously already have for her and you desire to show her that through actions, but she does not share that with you yet. :-)

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hi majic. I think I replied on the biting, but I noticed you only had her two days? Well, give her time. As I recall, when I brought both my CAGs home, I didn't try to put my hand in there until about a week or so, depending upon how they behaved. YOu may want to try opening the door, and giving some distance, see if she comes out on her own, and then get to know her on top of the cage with treats, or just talk to her. Then try a step up. But let the cage be her safe place for right now. Later on, she needs to let you get in there but right now she needs to feel secure in her new environment. Give her time. And if she does nip, don't panic, we all get bit eventually. It's all about how you react: don't. :) Good luck! Joanna birdmom

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I see, well if I was in the cage and you stuck your hand in, I might look at you funny too. I guess I'd be wondering what you were going to do to me? Especially if I didn't know you. Now, if there was a little slice of apple or an almond in that hand, I'd know that you just want to be my friend.

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Hi there,

Well Dicky601 has had success with using an object, a perch. But I found my bird was afraid of an object. Most people who use a perch are afraid of being bitten, and I personally prefer to get them used to my hand. While CAGs have a nippy reputation, I have found with both my CAGs, there is usually a test nip in store for the new handler. A test nip is very different than an intentional bite, where they clamp on and bite down. The test nip is where they let go right away, most times it doesn't break the skin; they just want to see what you'll do, so even though it stings, I found that no reaction at all is best, and they just look surprised, and don't try it again....that works for me. Having said that, use your own judgement and consult a veterinarian too. I hope it helps you.

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Hello Magicgrey, if you are afraid of her then she will sense that and react to it, don't show any fear, you will eventually get bitten at some point so don't let her know that. The others have given you some excellent advice, keep us informed as to how it works out for you.

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You guys are the greatest!!!!!! I took your advise. Yesterday she stayed on top of her cage all day. Last night I used a perch to get her off the top. I put her on the bed with my husband and myself and just let her walk around. She did very well but she was still lunging at me so I used the perch to put her back on her cage. She has been up there all day until a few minutes ago I walked up to talk to her and she put her hand out. I asked her if she wanted to come see me and I put my hand up and she got on.:) I'm so happy! Thank you for everything!!!!!!!!

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Wohoooooo - isn't that the most magical feeling!! When they trust you enough to step up. I will warn you though - sooner or later she is going to bite you. Doesn't mean that she doesn't love you, just means that she bit you.


Actually, you are doing something that i think is great - you are talking to her like one intelligent individual to another. They really can understand a lot more than we think.


Enjoy your bird :P

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Thats great magicgrey.


She's starting to get to trained to recognize her body language :P


Which, in all seriousness, she definitely has developed in her 2 years of interacting with previous owners.


I'll bet your heart leaped when she stuck her Claw out to step up. :-)

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