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I have a Congo African Grey... she is 35ish..and her name id Ozzy. I have had her 4-5 months, and we just love her so much! My boss was down sizing to an apartment after having Ozzy for 10 years, he offered her to us!! I came from a family of bird lovers, my husband...not so much. He has turned his opinion around..Ozzy has him wrapped around her little claw;). Ozzy is now "in love" w/ my hubby. It is funny to watch! She is a wonderful bird, and keeps us on our feet. The cat in our home is afraid of her, Ozzy will chase the cat everywhere! When I leave the cage door open, she wants to walk around the house looking for the kitty. We do keep a close eye on her, she loves walking around everywhere! We came home last night from a ball game to find an egg in the bottom of her cage. It scared us so much!!! She is feeling better, but it lead me to this site. I am new to forums, so please be patient with me. Hope you all have had a Blessed day!!!




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Well we know for certain she is a she! What a fun surprise she gave you both. Welcome to our Grey world and she should be fine just make certain she gets some nice fresh dark leafy greens in her diet to help keep her calcium at optimal levels. Suggest allowing her to keep the egg until she tires of it to keep her from laying repeatedly. Do watch her with the cat as the bacteria cats have on their claws and in their saliva can be deadly if Ozzy corners kitty and cat feels the need to get defensive. Several of us have cats dogs and birds so we know it can be done safely.

I love your avatar photo it has a Greyt feel to it warm and full of life.

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Thank You!! The egg was in the bottom of the cage, we took it out. But she is acting like it never happened. I will keep special look out w/ the kitty's. The photo was taken when my son moved his fishtank near Ozzy's cage. Ozzy loves the tank. She will sit on her perch and talk/sing to the fish. It keeps her entertained!

How do I get her to ear green leafy's? She is such a picky eater. She doesn't like the small "biscuit crackers" in her food either. Any suggestions?

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Thanks for joining us. It is heartwarming to see an older grey so comfortable in her new environment. The fish tank idea is wonderful, I like that she is enjoying her view. You will learn so much from her and we will be learning about Ozzy with you. Welcome to our forum.

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Hello Trees and welcome to our family.

That was wonderful that you could give Ozzy a new forever home and she looks like she fits in real nicely, love the idea of putting the fish tank close by as it can be mesmerizing to watch them swim around their enclosure.

Yeah I can totally relate to having a hubby not really interested in having a bird but get convinced by a little feathered being that shows them some affection, works every time.

Please do supervise when Ozzy is out and about the house with the cat as stated before for a bite from the cat could prove fatal for Ozzy.

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Timber (TAG) isn't big on greens either. He shows the most interest and at least gets some on his beak when I thread a big leaf (like kale or mustard green) in the bars of his cage, or sometimes when I stick pieces on a skewer. In the bowl? Forget about it. You can put them minced up in chop or other homemade stuff you make too (sneak them in). Welcome and good luck! :)

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