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A couple of Newbie questions for a rehomed 10 year old TAG


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Hi everyone, as I said I'm new on here. I have a couple of questions I'm hoping that you all can possibly answer (The guy I got him from just wanted to be done with the "whole thing"! About 4 days ago, I rehomed a 10 YO TAG. The previous owner stated that he 'used to breed them many years ago, and had over 40 pairs or so'. This was his last bird. He told me that this was his ex-wife's bird, and that it shared a home w/ another grey,(not sure if it was a CAG or TAG). He said the other one died a little over a year ago, and THAT bird was his favorite(even had a tattoo of it). He also said that he wanted to sell her because he really hadn't spent or socialized with her for over a year. It seems to me - since his favorite died?

I tried texting him yesterday (as he did answer a previous text-regarding placement of her bowls in her cage). He never texted me back! I guess he's done w/ the ex-wife's bird?? I wanted to know if she had any favorite phrases such as 'scratch' or what she means when she bobs her head? (is she mad or excited)? I think these things are important. She has never been DNA tested, and she/he's name is "Bobby" LOL (could go either way) She doesn't have a band, does that mean he bred her? I asked him if she talks, he said "when she gets comfortable with you, she will" then stated "she likes imitating noises better. (I guess that answered that question)LOL

Her wings are not clipped, so basically the only way I can get her to "step up" is after she has flown off her cage to another remote location!! I guess she really doesn't have a choice to not step up?LOL She seems to really prefer my son 18 and my daughter 20. She gets very animated and starts bopping her head and whistling etc. Is there a way to earn her trust? I have allowed her to sit on top of her cage the last 4 days. I left her door open and allowed her to kinds do what she's comfortable with. She won't step up, so I can put her back in the cage. She seems very quiet today and yesterday! She really perked up when my daughter came home from work. Is she ever going to like me?? I wish the previous owner was a little more empathetic or gave a s*** about her 'new life with us??!! He did say that she wasn't the friendliest bird, ( but I guess.... if your favorite bird that Bobby spent 10 years with and the ex-wife that are both out of the picture now.... and really hadn't bothered with or spent any time w/ since it's cagemate died?!!

Does anyone have any advice for me, I want everyone to be happy with this new relationship??

She has been doing these sounds... microwave, farting, smoker's cough (LMAO), cork popping, small dog barking, meow, sniffing etc and she sings like a canary when I go out the back door and leave her) LOL

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Hello and welcome! I'm pretty new myself so I'll let more experienced members address your questions. I'd suggest you spend some time reading the past forums. There is a lot of good information there on diet, health, and behavior that helped me a lot when I got my TAG (rehome) in June. Good luck and God bless :)

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Congrats on getting this Tag and is she your first bird?

This will take time and it has only been 4 days, not nearly enough time as we are talking weeks, months and maybe longer especially if she has had any previous homes before she came to the owner you purchased her from, her trust has to be earned and it will take a long time so focus on small steps as accomplishments for the time being. If she was not that friendly before she came to you then it will require lots of patience on your part to just let her relax and feel comfortable and her personality will open up. Don't force yourself on her, let her decide if she wants more interaction with you.

Its a shame the former owner is not more cooperative to give you more background on her, sounds like he really didn't like her very much so has washed his hands of her now that she is gone. It sounds like she will be a real sweetheart when she really opens up so keep working on it.

Others will be along shortly to give you some more advice but just enjoy your new friend and it is normal for them to pick a favorite person in a household so she may have already shown a preference for your daughter by perking up when she came home but she can have a good relationship with you too if you go slow and easy.

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The best word to help you along is Patience and then a little more patience. A bird from another home is having to adjust to not only a new house but new people, new routines, new sights, smells & sounds. It is a very big deal for them. Give Bobby time to get acclimated to the new digs and new people before expecting her to feel comfortable. Wait until she is ready to interact, stop by her cage and chat or sing or read to her. Many birds enjoy hearing a story and looking at pictures suggest a colorful children's book for starters. Give a little treat once in a while and when she is ready she will let you know she is feeling at home. She may ask for a head scratch or just take that treat gently or offer a foot to step up. Just don't push her before she is ready, earning her trust will help you build a great long term relationship.

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The previous owner told me that she was '10'... he also said Bobby had shared her cage with another grey ( it was his favorite ). I don't know why the wife didn't take her bird.. 'Bobby'? Maybe the 2 birds were bonding (which it sounds like they were)So it sounds to me like he was her only owner. He definitely didn't seem attached or heart broken to see her go. I was in and out of his apt in less than 5 minutes!! I had a hundred questions!! If she has no band around her ankle, does that mean that he more than likely bred her himself? Also, if Bobby shared a cage with said bonded bird, if she never laid eggs, then.... was the other a female too? The only reason he thought 'Bobby was a girl ( I guess) is that she likes males. I feel bad for her, it was the ex-wife's bird and I guess losing a 10 year cage mate and not really as he said "not bothered with her for a year or so", is going to be a new beginning for her?? After i wrote the first thread she actually let me scratch her behind her head for almost a full minute!! That was the first time she let me 'touch her'! I guess I'm just trying to make up for the last year or so of her life.

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Thank you, I agree... it's going to take a lot of patience for both of us. I just feel bad for her. I'm trying to figure out what a 10 year old TAG's limitations are when he told me "she's not the friendliest bird", but she's healthy! It doesn't sound like he really ever was crazy for her..... not if the bird with her that died was his favorite!! He never told me if he or his wife handled her or socialized her with more than just that one bird! I mean I guess she probably regressed or was depressed for the last year.. is that possible? Can she come back from that?

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Greys take time to adjust. She can come back from that, but it will take your understanding and patience. Read about Gilbert in the rescue bird haven, (thread Gilbert is home). This will show you an example of what we mean by patience! I moved a houseplant yesterday after they went to bed last night and am expecting some pouting and fear this morning that could last a bit, and it took me since last weekend to get it into place, moving it a little bit each day to let them adjust. (large corn plant tree) Our second grey took to my hubby the minute she saw him, me, she has just started to be ok with but i was her chew toy for a while. ( one week bandaid free now! ) She is also fearless! As for the food, just keep trying. What they hate one day they may love the next and vice versa. Just don't stop trying, keep offering things. And keep reading, there isn't a tread on here that you can't learn something from. Congrats!

Edited by murfchck
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berryblonde2u Welcome! Bobbies's future has endless possibilities! Doesn't sound like the wife really cared about this bird either, otherwise Bobby would be with her. Don't fret that you didn't get alot of info from the owners. It sounds like they didn't care about this bird, so info they would have given you, probably would be wrong, with what is best for your new addition. A clean slate. Bobby is yours now.

Bobby is certainly capable of loving all of you. They do tend to favor one family member in the beginning. Thats okay. Be patient. Spend time as a family with your bird. Let Bobby see you all love each other, and are a family unit. Sophie came here at age two. She loves me for being mom (ROM), she loves Ryan as her boyfriend, she loves Sean as her favorite toy.( noone can play tag and hidenseek like him!) LOL Nancy

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If Bobby's previous owner didn't know Bobby's gender, it would seem doubtful that he/she was ever bred? Sounds like you rescured Bobby from a bad situation there though. Believe me, if you were able to scratch her head for over a minute I sure wouldn't call her "unfriendly!" As to the band thing, a lot of people have them removed, and there are other reasons there wouldn't be a band. More experienced members can address that. Good luck and God bless :)

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Thank you for giving Bobbie a new home. There's tons of info here for people with re homed birds. Do a search on "body language", and do some reading in the rescue room forum. What is Bobbie's cage like? Where is it located? Does she get a full 10 hours dark sleep time? Does she have toys? Knowing this stuff will help us guide you while you work to provide an awesome new home and life for Bobbie.

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If I were Bobby, I may not have been so friendly to that guy either. With a bit older, rehomed grey, you will learn as you go and have new insights to share with us. Every grey is individual and unique, every home is also, so the combination makes for many possibilities. When we were considering Gilbert we were told he has "issues". I do believe a parrot who has been rehomed or has lost their favorite person, perhaps a whole family, as well as other flighted companions would probably go through depression and have a bit of attitude. Take your time and give Bobby a chance to pinch herself and see that it is true that she is getting a new lease on life and someone new to love her. When I first heard the term "grey time", I thought it just meant they would come around on their own time. It really does mean that but as well, it means that we can not judge success the way we might with a "pet" getting acclimated. This forum has been my lifeline and helped turn Gilbert's life around and I think you will find the same for you and Bobby. Welcome and congratulations on your journey with Bobby.

Edited by katana600
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