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Simon Says...


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Simon's a bit of a late bloomer, but at 21 months old he now has a wee vocabulary. His first word was Wow, his second word was Peekaboo, his third word was Hello, and this morning he said I love you.


Peekaboo is still his favourite word - he says it all the time.


His latest thing is he likes to take all his foot toys out of his stainless steel bucket, and then stick his head in the bucket and yell Peekaboo! Because peekaboo sounds very different when you yell it into a bucket. He says it with his head in the bucket, then with his head out of the bucket, then with his head in the bucket, over and over again.


Peekaboo is pretty darned cute, but my heart melted in a puddle at my feet when he said I love you.

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Simon's a bit of a late bloomer, but at 21 months old he now has a wee vocabulary. His first word was Wow, his second word was Peekaboo, his third word was Hello, and this morning he said I love you.


Peekaboo is still his favourite word - he says it all the time.


His latest thing is he likes to take all his foot toys out of his stainless steel bucket, and then stick his head in the bucket and yell Peekaboo! Because peekaboo sounds very different when you yell it into a bucket. He says it with his head in the bucket, then with his head out of the bucket, then with his head in the bucket, over and over again.


Peekaboo is pretty darned cute, but my heart melted in a puddle at my feet when he said I love you.



I so hope you can capture his version of peek a boo on video. That will be something to make you smile when ever your having a rotten day.

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It's a good thing he's got some wonderfulness going on, because he's also being a brat these days. He's biting for fun, flying at the other animals and people and swerving at the last possible milisecond, and looking for trouble pretty much every second he's out of his cage. He steals things he knows he's not allowed to have and then flies up to the highest places with them so we can't retrieve them easily. Etcetera.


So "I love you" came at a very good time.

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Hahahaha. Oh Simon. I know it really isn't all that funny when you are living with him, but he will grow out of the terrible two's. Well... maybe, as long as while he is being such a smarty pants he also soothes your frazzled nerves with a few sweet nothings along the way. What a clever boy to be balancing out his naughtiness with sweetly spoken adoring words.

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katana is so right! Terrible two's with a little sweetness on the side.LOL! I don't think Simon is a late bloomer!You have to watch out for those quiet ones. I think they are learning and absorbing a wealth of information.Sophie came home at two, but had a wonderful owner. She didn't talk alot. At two and 1/2, her vocabulary accelerated...now she talks soooooooooooooooo much sometimes I wish for ten minutes of quiet. ( of coarse then I would worry something was wrong!) NaNCY

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LOL I remember my kids doing that (saying I love you mommy) when they knew they were in for it. I'm still waiting to hear "I love you" from Timber! He was accompanying me with comments during a phone conversation yesterday, so I'm hopeful he is going to start talking when I'm in the room.

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