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This is just a temp account till they fix Tari. Anyway wanted to post pictures of my goldfish and it may take a day or two to fix my Tari account if they can. So....

This is Star.


and this is Butterfly my very early Christmas present from hubby.


My husband felt bad cause I bought his early but I didn't have much choice his satellite box quit and he needed a new one so I got him T-Vo. I was going to get one anyway for him for Christmas but had to get it early.<br><br>Post edited by: TariAngie, at: 2007/10/07 18:24

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Beautiful Goldfish Tari!! :-)


I hope they can get your normal login fixed and quickly!! That is a very strange thing to happen. I hope it is not something that will start occuring to more of us. :-(


If it's a system glitch, it can and will happen again..

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Tari, Beautiful goldfish. I need to go buy a couple more, as my older 2 just recently died. I am down to 3 now. I love Star! Thanks for shasing them.


And I am pushing hard to get this strange occurrence with your account fixed. Let's hope this is a one time thing, and it doesn't ever happen again. If it does, I hope anyone having problems will pm me asap, so we can get it taken care of.:dry:

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I think I've fixed it, Tari :) Please have a look and let me or Talon know. It sure is a very, very strange thing.


I love Star - how old is he?

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Not to old. I got him from a dealer that goes to china a lot. So under a year at least. Paid way to much for them but they are going to look so great with the other three in the 75 gallon tank. I am hoping the black and white one turns all white.

Thanks Fairy for fixing me up.

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