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Nilah at Bedtime


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Nilah has a ritual I must adhere to every night at bedtime. She knows when its time for Bed and she will fly off into the bird room where it is dark. Always landing on the same spot on the curtain rod where she waits until I get around to deciding to put them all to bed. it's a different time each night. Sometimes i do hear her say quietly, "do you want to go to bed? Eventually I go in there, I am required to step up onto the love seat, then step onto the end table, next i am to look up at her as she growls at me while opening up her beak and acting as though she is trying to bite me....I then am to reach my left hand up to her biting head, she then puts her head down where I have to pat her, rub her head and neck and massage her.....while my left hand is doing this, my right hand is go up to her where she is to put her left foot onto it like she would step up, but she wraps it around my finger and holds this position while my right hand is massaging, rubbing scratching her head......she is whining and cooing in an amazon way quietly like a dog .......next she puts her head down while I rise onto my tippy toes to kiss her head, no more than 4 times or she will quickly raise her head up, growl and bite me! By now, my arms are going numb, my legs are getting tired....you see, i have been up since 4 or 5 am, worked 2 jobs that day, come home to animals, kids, cooking dinner and laundry, so I am pretty tired. FINALLY! When she decides she's had enough, she will turn to bite my left hand, stay in that one footed on my right hand position, wait what seems like forever, and then step up with her other foot, say, "nuh nites." thats my cue that she is ow going to allow me to step down from the end table, then the love seat, a big step as i am trying to be gentle step onto the floor as I walk with her to her cage, all the time trying to remain calm so she doesn't fly off as she is biting my hand or fingers hard enough trying to get a response out of me.....THEN into her cage as she is still saying "nuh nites" over and over as I lock her in and cover her for the nite.


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Thanks Nancy, but these are my rules...the ones I allow. It was much worse as I posted on another thread about bedtime and Nilah. I allow her this special time with me.....she's adorable ! There are some nights, it is short and I make her step up, but how can I possibly pass up this precious time of cuddles, love and bonding with her? She has such limited time with me one on one, this is OUR time and I cherish it most nights.....:)

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We also have a ritual at bedtime or back to cage time.

If Cricket is out of her cage and ready to go back she will climb up my arm to my left shoulder and yell RAY into my left ear. When she gets my attention she will do her back to cage dance. She will get all excited and bob her head and swing her head from side to side and I will say, you want to go to your cage and I will get up and walk to her cage and she will jump in and than I cover her.

If she is in her cage and is ready for bed before I get there she will start to yell Ray, Ray untill I come over and cover her up. She likes to make sure she gets her beauty sleep.

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Talon, that is a very sweet yet intricate ritual. I think I have it too easy sometimes with my CAG Gracie--sometime between 8:30 and 9:00 Gracie just says "nite nite time" or "Time for sleepies" and gets back in her cage. No muss no fuss. I dont get to scratch her head though--I would trade rituals with you if she woukd let me. I guess every fid is different,

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