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Beak peeling


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Stress Bars


Feather growth requires a myriad of nutrients for normal feather development. Therefore, if there is disruption in the assimilation of nutrients during the time of feather development, this will result in the production of stress bars on the feathers. Stress bars appear as black or depigmented lines that transect a feather, and multiple lines may occur at different levels on the feathers, if multiple bouts of disruption have occurred. If a young bird develops gastro-intestinal problems, digestive disturbances, prolonged chilling or periods when it is not fed (nor fed enough), this will result in the production of stress bars at the same level on all the feathers that were developing during that time.

When evaluating a baby bird, if stress bars are present on all contours, remiges, retrices and coverts at the same levels on all the feathers, this is an indication that the baby had periods of time when it was unwell, chilled or improperly fed. Sometimes, a feather sheath on a growing feather will remain on a long feather well past when it should have been preened off, and this pinching may result in one feather with a depigmented line across it that might be mistaken for a stress bar. The key to discerning which are stress bars and which are not is determined by how many feathers are affected. A single feather with a line of depigmentation is most likely not a stress bar feather. Finding a baby bird with numerous lines of stress bars present on the feathers doesn't necessarily mean that it is currently sick, but it should alert an owner and avian veterinarian that the bird has had at least one episode of problems, and this bird should receive a thorough work-up to ensure that the problems are all in the past. "From an Exotic Vet. website" http://www.exoticpetvet.net/avian/feathers.html

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Scooter 4 how old is your Grey? If that layering peel on the beak bothers you it can be smoothed down by an Avian Vet. although it should be just fine they way it is. The more things he has to chew on and rub that beak on the more he can wear off the older peeling parts it is a normal part of being a bird. A beak can overgrow just like fingernails on people, the length seems just fine as well.

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Thanks all for reply.

Lucy is year and one month old. We got her when she was 7 months old from good breather, owner of the store. She was hand raised and adopted very quick, after few days we wore handling her and all.

She eats very well.

ZuPreem natural bland pellets all day long, eats good..

Fruits and vegetables all day long, usually one day fruits one day vegy's. My wife tells me that bird has better diet then the kids, LOL Joke, but I really balance the diet good.

Once every few months we go on vacation for few days, and I have my parents come over and feed her and let her play outside for hour, so maybe stress marks come from that...

All summer long she spends 1-2 outside with me, getting sun and good weather, in the cage I have UVB lighting 6 hours during the day, plus she is by the window.


Over all she is very good bird, very active, happy, starting to talk a storm, not a bite, pleasure to have her around.


She has plenty of toys to chew on and I switch toys in the cage every few days, making her new toys all the time, cardboard, wood, name it she has it, so she loved to destroy stuff


any more questions?

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Hi, Thank you, Stress marks are from diet, Greys should have very little fruit, a grape or small piece of apple a day is plenty, you should keep a seed mix 24/7 in the cage, if theres peanuts in the shell, remove them, also get a seed mix with out sunflower seeds, if there in the mix, remove them, they can have a few a day, give 1 or 2 nuts a day, 1 almond, 1 walnut, 1 pistachio, etc Thanks Jayd

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I'll have to schedule visit to vet sometime soon.


TO the pellets and seeds discussion.

I did give her seeds in the pass, and once she gets taste of that, she wont eat pellets, plus out of the seeds she only pics one or two kinds and everything else is not eaten.

I need some advice...

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SO Im going to completely rethink my seed/pallet diet.

What seed mix would you recommend?

I went to local bird shop and look at the mix they sell in bulk out of the barrels, and its very sad mix, not to many seed kinds in there.

Should I get one form the petco or petsmart?

what mix do you guy recommend?

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SO Im going to completely rethink my seed/pallet diet.

What seed mix would you recommend?

I went to local bird shop and look at the mix they sell in bulk out of the barrels, and its very sad mix, not to many seed kinds in there.

Should I get one form the petco or petsmart?

what mix do you guy recommend?


Kaytee has one with very few sunflowers, throw away all peanuts, in shell or out, pick out sunflower seeds, Dr Foster and Smith and Pet Solution have mix's with out sunflower seeds, there also cheaper with free shipping on orders of $49.00 or more.. Our favorites are Volkmans and Royal......Thanks Jay

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