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Amazon of the month Oct. 2012

Ray P

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This thread is a continuation of Jay`s Amazon of the week.

The change from Amazon of the week to Amazon of the month is with Jay`s blessing.

I am going to do things a little differently with this thread as I am going to start with amazons that are fid members of this forum.

We have 33 zon members and 30 care givers that look after their well being. So I will start with amazon members and will recognize their care givers.

Jay I hope you like this.

Oct 2012 Amazon of the month is The Blue Fronted Amazon

I started with the blue front because they make up the largest amazon species membership with 6 members.

And they are.

Amazon name---------------Care giver

1. Louie-------------------------Luvparrots

2. Kiwi--------------------------Sidney Peaches

3. Amy--------------------------Parrot Lowyer

4. Diego------------------------GoDiego

5. Calypso----------------------carlo707

6. Cricket-----------------------Me Ray P

The Blue Fronted Amazon AKA Turquois-Fronted Amazon and Blue Front Parrot is a South American Species of amazon parrots and one of the most common amazon parrots kept in captivity as a pet or companion parrot.

They are normally between 15 and 17 inches long from their beak to the end ot their tial fethers.

Their lifespan can be up to 80 years

They are active and comical and are natural preformers. They love to be around their owners and will ham it up for extra attention. They are prolific talkers and singers. The vocalize often and can be very loud when they want to be. For this reason they are not recommended for those that live in apartments or condos.

They are mostly lime green with a blaze of blue and yellow on their head and touches of bright red on their shoulders and flight feathers. They have black beaks and grey feet.

Like all parrots blue fronted amazons need a varied diet consisting of high quality pellets, A quality seed mix and daily servings of fresh bird safe fruits and vegetables.

Amazons are active parrots and should be allowed 3 to 4 hours out oh cage time to play and stretch their wings. They love to climb and chew so give them plenty of toys including ladders and a swing to swing on.

Here are some pictures of Cricket my sweet zon.

Remember zons rock.






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Now if you could only teach Cricket how to use that broom/mop! :)


Thank you again, Ray. I so enjoy these posts about Zons. As a whole, I've always been a little gun shy with them (I worked with one that used to chase me around his enclosure), but have a deep appreciation.


I'm thinking about buying myself a present: http://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Amazon-Parrots-Klaus-Bosch/dp/0866227970/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1349207132&sr=8-4&keywords=Amazon+Parrots

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