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A certain little feathered smarty pants is being a pain in the tush. She was going nuts for this bean, rice, veggie thing I made for her to the point of nipping me if I didn't get it fast enough. Now she won't touch it. Wonder if I made it wrong this time. She's still eating her fresh veggies but I'm afraid that's not enough for her.


Any suggestions?




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Don`t let her eating habits stress you out.

My grey Corky will love something one day and the next day will not give it a second look.

She may have a taste for something one day and a taste for something else the next.

There like kids and they will not starve them self.

Your smarty pants has you jumping.

Edited by Ray P
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I'm not sure what you mean by *ripping* but if it means that she's biting or nipping at you, you shouln't have any bird near you when mixing up food no matter what area you're in. Birds will be patient until you're finished making the food.


Yep. These are all lessons we've learned the hard way.


Not all birds are difficult around food. Burt is very patient and hangs out on his perch. Sondheim is all over the countertop trying to get into anything. He did the "nipping" thing with me for awhile and had me jerking my hand away. Boy did he train me!! Now, if he tries, I simply put him back on his perch and he loses his countertop privileges. He quickly associated nipping with going back to the perch. Now, when he's on the countertop he's patient and waits for the "OK" or for me to offer him something.


Smart creatures!!

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Sassy never said " ripping", she said nipping! Her baby is acting perfectly normal!

Sassy... don't worry about it, what they loved yesterday, they don't love today! LOL! Your job right now, is to record what baby likes the most. It may take a long time, for bird to figure out what they like. Keep offering different things. Many things they LOVE now, they threw at the walls for about a year. Always repeat healthy choices every few weeks. Kiki finally tried broccholi after ten years. Nancy

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Sassy...I have found, no matter how late I get home, my birds are all over me! Even more, now that kids are off in college.You can be gone forever in their minds! But now you are home! Thats all they care about.What are we really depriving them? Not food or diet, not love or affection, as they learn to give that affection amoungst themselves. Rom is home! Nancy

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