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Guest Jocelyn

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Please don't get discouraged. Romeo is a re-home from a neglectful and abusive situation. He was on good behaviour for the first few days. That's common. We call it the honeymoon period. Now he's letting you see the baggage he's brought with him. Try to think of to from his point of view. He's been in a bad and lonely situation for at least a year, but it's still the only home he knew. All of a sudden a person he doesn't know picks him up and takes him to an entirely new place. He would be scared and unsure of himself and might be inclined to do whatever this new person wants him to do because his is scared. Now perhaps the fear is a little less and he's behaving more like he did every day in his new home.


Now it's your job to prove to him that he's safe and loved and not going to be uprooted again. This can be a long process. That's why the word patience is used so often here. Also the phrase "grey time". Try to erase the memory of him stepping up for you and being more pliable, since he may have been doing those things out of fear. Now you have to earn his trust. Make sure his cage is where he can observe your household. Let him hang out in his cage if that's where he feels safe. Sit by his cage, as close as you can before he shows signs of fear or of becoming cage defensive. When you feed him watch for what he goes for first and try to save that favoured food item for a treat. Use that treat to let him begin to associate interacting with you with a positive thing. Eg. If he doesn't like you changing his dishes you out the treat in a dish on the other side of the cage before you start. Hopefully he'll start associating you approaching his cage with the treat.


It can be a long road with an abused re-home but we're here to cheer you on. It's so rewarding when they do start to open up and trust, it is worth all the work and frustration, I promise.

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Jocelyn... whe you get home, open the cage door, leave it open.Read some books in front of his cage. Play games with family. If Romeo says " Go away"... say NO! Noone is going away. Do NOT close his cage. When Romeo is curious enough, and trusts you, he will first step on his door.( we ignored Sophie, continued to have fun!) She was flapping her wings like crazy! She wanted attention. Continued to ignore her... she walked down to us, stepped up on me, we continued to play our game. Nancy

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Guest Jocelyn

Wow all I can say is wow, today I placed Romeo on the couch after reading someone else post I thought I have to stop trying to pet him, being petted isn't his thing, it doesn't mean he doesn't like us hes simply not that kind of bird. So today I placed him beside us on the couch and about half an hour later he jumped off the couch (he can flutter a little and is getting more conf dent. He always runs back to his cage, I was sitting on the floor and about halfway to his cage he turned around and walked back! Then he chewed on my toes, and jewelry, then jumped into hubby's lap, then into mine! And he stayed there watching tv with us for over half an hour! Coolest thing ever!!!

Made hubby grab the camera, he even whistled a few times when we stopped paying attention to him. I don't think we will ever pet him but I think hes starting to like us!!!


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Great news for Romeo. Never say never on the touching, we have waited months and months but are starting to have requests for just the briefest head rubs. We are up to twice a day and it is awesome. It takes a while to understand his signals and it sounds like Romeo is interested. He is beautiful coordinating with the colors in your clothing. I love that he came to you, you must be measuring up in his eyes and that is a big task. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

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Guest Jocelyn

if you can believe it today he is allowing head rubs?! Of couea only with hubby, today I am dirt but he is following hubby around the house even climbing on the couch to get to hubby. Bah Greys maybe tomorrow will be our day, today hubby is tickled pink lol Now he is playing with my hair lol

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if you can believe it today he is allowing head rubs?! Of couea only with hubby, today I am dirt but he is following hubby around the house even climbing on the couch to get to hubby. Bah Greys maybe tomorrow will be our day, today hubby is tickled pink lol Now he is playing with my hair lol


That is SO HUGE!!! Mr. Romeo is taking such great leaps of faith!!! LOVE to hear this :)

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Guest Jocelyn

Our brave boy is becoming more and more a member of our family, we finally got a kitchen table and chairs and he loves that! His fav thing in the world is sharing in on the chit chat and snacks of dinner. Especially with company over.

He can hover a little now and the wings look a bit better but the tail is mangled from hitting the ground one too many times (all which seem to hurt us more then him. He flies like a chicken about a foot off the ground if that right now. And we finally changed his cage (we had the black cage before him) it fits better in our dining room and has more space and best of all he can climb right to the bottom and wonder around the floor without crashing.




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Guest Jocelyn

Thanks! He seems pretty happy. He has also started making this horrific scream twice a day for about two minutes. He hangs upside down while playing with his toys and just screams. Then after two minutes are over he quietly eats his food or plays with another toy and acts like it never happened . I assume it means he's happy?

Also it only started after we watched a documentary with him about greys in the wild. And they make a lot of harsh scream noise in the movie and the next day is when I noticed him

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What a great start you are having with Romeo. Some of us have heard the pterodactyl primal scream from our greys at play. It is a little startling at first but seems he is letting his hair down and getting real comfortable with your family. You have really made some lovely changes to accomodate him and make him the center of your family. It is wonderful to read your posts and see how well all of you are doing with him.

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OMG Marco totally does that too, just hangs there and screams its usually by a toenail too and I think shes gonna come plumitting down and loose grip but she hasnt so far ... but I just chalk it up to her playing and its usually if the toy has a bell on it oh man she flips out!

It does look like Romeo is doing very well and his feathers will grow back and look spectacular, he looks better already :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jocelyn

Romey and my hubby are best buds, romeo has fun with me too. Here are some pics of him on halloween. And tonight with me.

Best Buds



Why everyone wants a parrot!




What life with a parrot is actually like



Romey gives a kiss (god knows he only every poses with me at bed time when I have no make up and pjs on :( )


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