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Guest Jocelyn

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You cannot overfeed a grey when it comes to healthy foods. My guy seems to eat all day long and he is a good weight.

I cannot wait until your guy gets to fly for the first time. Flying does so much for their self confidence. I wish i could convey how wonderful it is that my grey flies. He is so proud of himself when he lands well, executes a difficult path, etc. He practically glows and puffs up with pride. He knows he is spectacular, and he is! Let's hope Romeo's wings were not too mangled by that horrendous clip. I am so happy for your family! So great!

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I think somewhere I read that they would NOT over eat no matter what you put out there for them even tho it looks like they are. Marco has seeds/pellets in her cage 24/7 changed regularly and then she gets fresh veges and stuff twice a day morning and night and a lil snack when I get home from work!!! <smirk> cuz shes spoiled!

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Guest Jocelyn

Today he stepped up quite a few times. He is still a little jumpy but all things considered he is doing amazing.

Well this boy really is the right fit lol, today the dogs were play fighting way to loud, and would not stop. So I began yelling, I don't hit them but I'm not gonna lie I am super loud. Well as soon as I do this Romeo pokes his head around the door and begins nattering right along with me, first whistling then chattering along with me, its the first time he has let us see him talk. What a bird lol.

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I yell " dinner!" up the stairs. ( at least I did until August) Now I have empty nest, and I feel guilty, that I am not sad and depressed! mMaybe next month.While I only have 50% hearing in my right ear due to several problems as a child, I do have trouble figuring out where sounds come from. Sophie will say... " coming"... I think it is Ryan as she can repeat his voice perfectly.Lots of times I have been upset when he hasn't shown for dinner! I yell all the time, Ollie... Zoey... lets go out to pee! They come running. Sophie say's the same thing, they come running! Thanks Sopie... now I have to let them out, when they were out ten minutes ago. I always back her up. Nancy

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Guest Jocelyn

Romeo is still doing fantastic, he eats well, talks lots as long as we dont look at him and steps up.










Thats my mom romeos girlfriend he bobs his little head like crazy when she comes over, I only get a head bob occasionally. She doesnt like birds, except romeo, she loves him!

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Guest Jocelyn
He certainly is beautiful close-up. He is blushing in the second picture because he is so happy. You know they blush when they are happy? Fascinating


They blush? I didnt know that.


And that's grandma I really wish he liked me as much as he likes his grandma lol, it seems to me as he looks at her like a mate and me like a caregiver, he tolerates me and seems to trust me but as for particularly liking me? We haven't got that far yet lol we have 60 years to figure that out...

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Guest Jocelyn

Bah so this is hard sometimes...

Romeo hasnt stepped up in to days and Im frustrated. I tried and tried until he got irritated with me, then I gave him dinner when aiming to put in the second bowl he lunged at me (he didn't catch me not sure he actually wanted to). I got frustrated shut his cage and said that is inappropriate! (forgetting he is in fact a birid not a person. Which is a fine line with these guys it seems. then I went and sat down on the couch next to his cage thinking he isn't as smart as I thought he was, I was sitting here for a few moments and I heard him say go away... kind of sadly. Then I felt bad, really bad. Because I think I confused him tried to push him to hard then made him sad. The crazy part is at no point when I this happened did I say go away.

Its like he knew what go away meant, or at the least that it is said when one is upset.

How did he know that? Am I being crazy?

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Bah so this is hard sometimes...

Romeo hasnt stepped up in to days and Im frustrated. I tried and tried until he got irritated with me, then I gave him dinner when aiming to put in the second bowl he lunged at me (he didn't catch me not sure he actually wanted to). I got frustrated shut his cage and said that is inappropriate! (forgetting he is in fact a birid not a person. Which is a fine line with these guys it seems. then I went and sat down on the couch next to his cage thinking he isn't as smart as I thought he was, I was sitting here for a few moments and I heard him say go away... kind of sadly. Then I felt bad, really bad. Because I think I confused him tried to push him to hard then made him sad. The crazy part is at no point when I this happened did I say go away.

Its like he knew what go away meant, or at the least that it is said when one is upset.


How did he know that? Am I being crazy?



** I was sitting here for a few moments and I heard him say go away... kind of sadly**


Just remember that anything you hear him say that you haven't constantly repeated to him over and over came from his previous home. Sometimes coincedences happen.

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Congrats! Romeo is a gorgeous boy! :-) Love the pictures! Could you maybe call the previous owners and warn them about this horrible clipping? Maybe they don't know how bad it is and maybe if they knew they wouldn't clip their other bird. Just a thought..

Well, I think Romeo will come around. A honeymoon period may be over or it just wasn't his day. Just try not to push him out of his comfort zone. You are doing great, it just takes time to get to know each other. Get back to the things you already know he likes.. Good luck! :-)

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