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Guest Jocelyn

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Romeo, Romeo, where art thou? In my new home of coarse! LOL! He's a cutiepie. Very happy and settling in just fine! As Dave said, two is just a baby. Sophie came home at two also. A decade later.... she is my best friend! She is also Ryan"s best friend, so don't worry about that hubby being liked the most. Thats this week! Nancy

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Romeo, Romeo, where art thou? In my new home of coarse! LOL! He's a cutiepie. Very happy and settling in just fine! As Dave said, two is just a baby. Sophie came home at two also. A decade later.... she is my best friend! She is also Ryan"s best friend, so don't worry about that hubby being liked the most. Thats this week! Nancy


He seems to be settling really well. He is enjoying the new veggies and stuff, he talks a very little and whistles some as well when we whistle at him. And bobs his head and flaps his poor little wings if we flap our arms.






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I have seen some bad clips, but that takes the cake.

Let them grow out and let him fly and he will be a different bird.


Thats what I figure, I mean I understand clipping and I understand not clipping, and I am not 100 percent decided yet, but every clip I have seen the bird can still fly a little and glide around, this poor guy is like a rock. So this time he can grow them out compleatly and we can go from there, hes only two so I doubt he has ever flown. Makes me nervous he will hurt himself on the hardwood learning.



Also the first heard him talk for the first time, not gonna lie its a little creepy. Awesome. and a little creepy hes used two voices. Really creeped out my dogs too lol.


Make that three I have now heard a woman, a man and a child

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I'm not going to focus on the bad clip. I've clipped ( i call it a trim), since they could still fly. If he hasn't learned to fly... I would say, let the feathers grow in, practice flying. It requires a second person on the other side. I LOVED the pictures! He is very happy in them, and seems confident and secure. The eyes and ruffled feathers tell alot. The dialated eyes tells me its going to be just fine! To me, it say's " I like my new home and mama!" Don't freak out about the weird voices. Greys imitate! Eventually your baby will imitate you and YOUR family members. Hopefully Romeo won't make you sound like a " valleygirl" from California like Sophie sounds now. I always ask the kids " whom is she imitating?" They just look at each other with smirks on their faces!!!! LOL Nancy I AM NOT A VALLEYGIRL!

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Romeo is a gorgeous boy and I am just delighted at how well he is settling in with your family. Gilbert was here almost a year and a half before he let us hear this potty words, LOL. To see Romeo on his cage eating a grape, interacting with you and other family members is awesome. Knowing he is comfortable enough to be talking already in your home is a healthy sign too. His wing trim is notably brutal. We brought home a baby parrot with far worse and she became flighted and never skipped a beat in her confidence after a molt and regrowth. You just never know where Romeo is in the growth cycle, it could be much sooner than later. I am just as pleased as can be at how well Romeo is taking in his new surroundings and loving forever home. Great job to you and your family.

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Thanks guys for all the support! He was on seeds (though a pretty good seed mix as far as they go) he gets a little of that still. He refused to eat his rowdy bush they had him on, so now he has zupreme which he isnt a huge fan of but he eats it occasionally. And I made a batch of chop, with green pepper, cranberry, carrot, rolled oats, groats, beats, cilantro and a few other things I cant remember. Surprisingly he is actually eating the chop.

And he is fairly quiet. As long as we are near by. He seems content to play with his toys. He seems to really wish he could get off that cage, he will let us touch him but refuses too step up.

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YAYyYYY!!!! We were being stupid I stuck my hand in his cage and he did his little opening his mouth thing which we all assumed was to give a warning bite well I didnt move my hand fast enough and he grabbed on but he did it super gently then he stepped up while holding onto my hand! Now we are sitting in the living room with him watching tv at first he shook a little now hes happily relaxing after a treat. And enjoying watching tv.

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Hurray for progress! Isn't it great? Funny, the same thing happened with Timber. He was biting when we brought him home, and I didn't realize the first couple of times he put his beak on my arm that he was testing for strength and stability before he stepped up. I would pull away fast because I thought he was getting ready to bite. I read someone's post here about that and sure enough, the next time he pushed at my arm with his beak then stepped up. That's is what is great about the forum. You read other people posts and figure out what is going on.

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Horray for Romeo!!! Make it fun when away from the cage, bonding as you did, will make him want to come back for more. The best advice I have ever received about Sophie, was from her original owner who was awesome. " Listen to your bird." They will teach you everything you need to know, even if you know nothing. ( we knew very little!) I never forgot his advice and truly followed it. Nancy

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I came looking to see how Romeo was doing and this is just the best news ever. His pictures look like he is willing to be cooperative and now he has shown you he wants to be with you. How wonderful for all of you. Congratulations on working up the nerve and letting him "test" you. You passed! O Happy Day.

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He is eating like a pig lots of chop and supreme pellets. Should I limit how much? He was on a seed diet and since he's eating other food I have just been letting him eat as much as he wants.

We had some unannounced company today. He did not like that. He made this weird growly hiss when they walked past him. But he stepped up again. Poor guy is so off balance with those wings its almost impossible for him to stay on your arm.

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Guest Jocelyn

Thank you! I didnt want to overfeed him but at the same time its the first really healthy stuff he has. He stepped up 3 times today! Richard and I are very proud of him

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