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What does this behavior mean?


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She is gorgeous and loves the camera! Liath tries to eat the camera!


Are her wings clipped? If so the ends of the feathers may be a little sharp and could be irritating her.


Does she make funny little grunting noises when she does this and hold her body quite low? If so, she could be trying to mate with you!

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Both my greys do that when they want to go somewhere, it's a flight instinct, I think. He probably wants to fly, or get from point a to b. Mine lean in the direction of where they want to go, when they do that. I usually ask them where they want to go, and point to it. They nod their head and I give them a ride on my finger.

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birdmom wrote:

Hi Heather. I also have a female that i was told is male. I had the test run twice just to be sure. Are you a customer of the Bird Shop on Auburn Bl in Sac?

Joanna aka birdmom


Hi there...yes, I am a customer at the Bird Shop. I've been going into that store since I was a kid. I've always loved going in there to see their birds...even when I didn't have any feathered friends. You must live in my neck of the woods, huh?

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