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your birds are adorable Jayd :D


We have a cockatiel at home but I'm not sure how I'll introduce them to each other. They don't mind each other when they're in the same room or when one or both of them are in their cages, but I would like them to be friendly to each other up close while out if the cage if possible.

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Just being able to have them out at the same time is probably the most you can hope for, usually multiple birds will not be very friendly to one another though sometimes it does happen, my three can be out at the same time and sometimes two can be on my shoulders at the same time as long as both stay on opposite sides but usually not for long, they get along as long as there is a little distance between each other.

Cockatiels are one of the easiest birds to allow on your shoulder for they don't bite or nip at you, mine loves to sit sometimes and just enjoy the closeness and she sometimes preens me, wonderful little birds they are and I never would have known if one hadn't dropped in on me.

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I'm sticking to my guns! No shoulder, unless like Gabby, needs to settle on shoulder. All other birds, need to be on wrist only! They get shoulder status, when they have earned it. Diet, should be offered over and over, to include fresh fruits and veggies. They throw it out, hit the walls, Keep offering it. They eventually try it. To listen " St John's Wart," etc,none of my birds have needed any of this nonsence. Nancy

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