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I don't have a lot of pics yet.


Here's when we were going home



And here's her in her cage



She really want to go on my shoulder. I've let her do that for now but I'm not sure if I should allow that...

Edited by Wisp
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What a cutie pie she is and just a baby with those dark eyes, you are going to love the rest of your life with her.

Yes they all want to go to the shoulder, I would for the time being keep her off until you know her better, I do allow Josey on my shoulder but I can trust her and she doesn't go after ears, eyes and such, it is a priviledge that has to be earned and if she turns out to be one that constantly goes after ears and such then its best to keep her off, it is a personal choice.

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How adorable. She's very pretty! I would have no problem allowing her on your shoulder. You follow your own instincts, there is no right way or wrong way. Just what works best for you. Just be careful, and keep your face turned away, neither one of you know each other enough to trust each other, and what seems like nothing to you could frighten her and her instinct would be to bite. Enjoy her, she's lovely,

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Some of you have seen this photo before, sometimes I would have Spock on my head, Joe on the right shoulder, Salsa on top of my head and Tango the 'TOO, on my left arm while feeding them sunflower seeds.....[these are baby's]




That's adorable :D Love it

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Wisp... I'll agree to no shoulder status for now. GREAT pictures! Shoulder status, is for when your bird trusts you, and you trust the bird. Nancy

If you don't allow your parrot on your shoulder, how will you know??? I'm sorry, there's no chart stating when a action or reaction will occur in a parrots life..A number of our parrots might nibble when on my shoulder and not Maggies or visa-versa......What works for you is what you do.....

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Well Freddie your beautiful but chances are you wouldn't be on my shoulder for a long long while, if ever.


My partner and I don't let Jake on shoulders for many reasons but mostly it is because we haven't learned enough about each other yet. The secondary reason being we are working step up and down to a forearm instead of a hand. (I have nerve damage in my hands that is progressively worsening) Once we have the arm established for up and down and if he learns to move to the forearm when asked we can see about shoulder sitting. As everyone has said this is personal preference. Ours is just based on my current and future physical issues.

Edited by Wingy
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Well Freddie your beautiful but chances are you wouldn't be on my shoulder for a long long while, if ever.


My partner and I don't let Jake on shoulders for many reasons but mostly it is because we haven't learned enough about each other yet. The secondary reason being we are working step up and down to a forearm instead of a hand. (I have nerve damage in my hands that is progressively worsening) Once we have the arm established for up and down and if he learns to move to the forearm when asked we can see about shoulder sitting. As everyone has said this is personal preference. Ours is just based on my current and future physical issues.


Wise women....LOL, Freddy's about 21yr's old now, and has never bitten us, this was posted in fun, It took Maggie 2yr's before he would step up, he was abused in the worst ways....Thanks

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