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Spartan Is A Baby But Has Started Talking !!!!!!!


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Hi All,


It’s been a while since I posted...


Well as per my Title, I cannot believe that Spartan has started talking

He is only 10 months old... October 1st is his 1 year Birthday...

He says his name.... He Says "Hello Spartan" then strings a sentence... "Hello Spartan How are you Boy"

I am in absolute Shock... lol....


He is saying about 10 words... and its crystal clear...

Is this something Special? or am i getting all excited... lol :cool:


He is very intelligent he picks up what we say and just speaks just like that.

I would really like to know what you guys think,

Thanks for reading

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awww that is so great and the pics are wonderful! beautiful bird! marco says a few words pretty clear and I think somewhere she picked up tickle tickle which is new but she does alot of grumbling lil words kinda like shes practicing its sorta funny to listen to Im sure you all have had similiar experiences. but what I do find which is cool is that marco DEFINATELY understands words like .... "Are you hungry?" if she is perched anywhere and I say that she knows its time to eat and comes running ... she clearly knows the word "Cracker" cuz that is her lil treats when I get home from work n stuff and she knows "Wanna come see me?" which is what I say when I take her out of the cage so if I say that she runs to the front of the cage and sits on the perch there til I open the door and THAT to me is just sooooo amazing!


i get all excited when I hear her talking too .... its a great feeling!

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Sacr69 Why are you thinking of getting Spartan a mate? If its for breeding purposes? Or companionship? Which ever you choose... be prepared, that your bird will no longer have an interest in establishing a relationship with you. Breeding.... even the most experienced owners have difficulty with a breeding pair. As far as a mate.... two greys can fight like there is no tomorrow. Nancy

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I'm just curious why you want to breed Spartan. It seems like you love him and want to relate to him as a family member. That will almost surely end if you decide to breed him. I am just a little more than uncomfortable with the idea of someone who has no clue about breeding even considering this idea without tons and tons of research and support and experience and....It is just a recipe for disaster, and I would hate to see Spartan traumatized or you in over your head with these precious creatures. This is 180 degrees from having a pet dog or cat who has a litter in their lifetime and remains a faithful family pet. There is no comparison.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Sacr69 Enjoy Spartan! He is a great baby, learning how to talk, and is establishing a relationship with you. They are truly like children, and need your attention to learn, learn boundaries, and establish trust. It takes some time. For Spartan, to be the best he can be, you need to focus on him, and him alone at this time. If you want to breed in the future, thats something you can checkout down the road. Right now... you need to learn how to be a GREAT paront, for what appears to be a GREAT bird. Nancy

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Hi All,

Thank you all for the responses

Well you all have valid points and as stated earlier it was just a thought so to speak,

Its good to know you guys on this forum care, and that being said i never thought about how it would distance us from Spartan,

Again if thats the case, such that the bird will not show any intrest than i for one will never do it,


Thanks again all, it does make alot of sense when you think about,

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Aerial... that sounds awesome, and yes i have heard those little grumbles,

I cant wait to get A Mate for Spartan :)


As you have heard, a bonded pair of Grey's,[male/female or Male/male, female/female] will be completely devoted to each other, no longer to you. If your word Mate is referring to breeding, then it would be best if you spoke with Dave 007 or Spinner (AKA Dave). If your reference is to another parrot or company for Spartan, then that is no problem. There are rules to follow...separate cages, Spartan would be flock leader in which he is let out of the cage first, fed first, acknowledged first..ad nauseum...Other than that, they can be raised together whether it be two Greys, a Grey and an Amazon, a Grey and a Conure, etc. They each must be treated as separate birds. Most of the time, there will be no fighting..they will just co-exist. This has its benefits because they will communicate with each other, they will have a sense that there is another one of their kind, one or both will single you or one of your family out as a bonded companion. Whether it works or not is mostly dependent on you by spreading your attention and praising each one for their own special traits and abilities. We have now and have had a number of birds that co-exist as close friends and we have never had a negative situation. This is a decision that needs to be thought out carefully and made wisely. You don't want to bring in another parrot and then have to re-home him if he doesn't work out the way you hope for. Please keep us informed...Thanks, Jay


P.S. I noticed your baby doesn't have a flight harness on. A clipped Gray can still fly, especially outside. Here's a link to a flight harness...http://www.petsolutions.com/C/Bird-Training/I/Aviator-Harness-and-Leash.aspx

Edited by Jayd
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