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Pterodactyl Scream?


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That's makes for quite a visual! ;)


Joe, will land on a shelve while Spock would land full seed, talons extended just below your shoulder with a thud while Salsa lands at the back of your head and slides to your forehead with forward momentum, leaving red tracks, and they all take-off immediately to continue their land of the lost antics..lol

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Kiki's pteradactyl scream is between three and four pm. Last about ten minutes. We have always ignored it, since I'm sure thats what they do in the Amazon.If I get home from work early enough and take the dogs for a walk, I can hear her two doors down with the windows closed! " Oh my"... a burglar would be scared to death. Nancy

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He is so cute playing with the little piece of loose string and giving it the "what for". Then, I noticed Maverick getting a head rub video. The walls are the same color, the basket is the same, it is hard to believe this is the same little guy as in the raptor imitation. What an adorable little boy he is whether he is being sweet or the prehistoric tough guy.

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He is so cute playing with the little piece of loose string and giving it the "what for". Then, I noticed Maverick getting a head rub video. The walls are the same color, the basket is the same, it is hard to believe this is the same little guy as in the raptor imitation. What an adorable little boy he is whether he is being sweet or the prehistoric tough guy.


Hahaha.. Thanks! Yes, that is where we usually settle for the evening. I watch TV or work on the laptop (ATTEMPT to anyway..) and he usually sits there and plays on his basket or does a nice job of distracting me. He just LOVES those head rubs, though. Sometimes he wants them for no reason and will start chirping and laying his head down, and other times he just does it when I tell him to step up and he would rather not :) Little Smarty Pants he is...

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