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Is this a good brand?


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Hey guys,


I doing some random searches and came upon this brand of parrot food, bird-elicious, www.bird-elicious.com has anyone ever heard of them or used them? They look like they could be very decent, and they make different mixes for different species.

I was just wondering how this compares to pellets. If some of you who've had greys a long while could read the site over and let me know what you think, I would greatly appreciate the feedback.




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The site has interesting information on their foods, the reason they started making their own and how the contributions to rescue agencies work.


The ingredients on their foods look very good and especially for anyone owning a Gery with allergies to ingredients contained in most foods.


It is not a very widely used food from what I can find elsewhere on the web, so it's hard to make any type of educated judgement on this.


One thing I did note in their blogs page was that they actually stopped production for a while due to a death in their family.


This sends up red flags to me on how long the product may be available for and also if demand increases, if they as a small family operation, could meet those needs in a timely fashion. What this means is, you could get your Grey on this food and then find yourself in a position where you may need to switch his diet with no cross over time to do so.


This is entirely a personal choice you will need to make.


It seems, this is not widely used by enough forum members (if any) to give any type of actual personal experience with this food supplier and their products.

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Thanks Danmcq, That helps a lot. I see what you mean about availability. I know that Harrisons is a brand used a lot, and I think that it will probably be just as easy to add in the healthy fruits and veggies that this brand offers.

Thanks for your feedback.

- Hannah

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It's all the ground up sunflower seeds and peanuts in them...the greys love them all smashed into compressed pellets :P


I just feed Dayo the real thing and let him work for the prize inside the shells :-)


Gotta stir it up a little...this forum is becoming too quite :woohoo:


beavisrocks.gif<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/13 02:23


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Yes, you always check out ingredients, as you know.


When I heard Harrisons was the best, thats the first thing I checked :-)


My belief is everything in moderation and balanced such as a diet of seeds, veggies, fruits and some 12 to 15 bean mix each day seems to "Kind of" simulate what types of foods they would eat while foraging for an entire day in the wild.

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here Hannah ;)


Ensure optimal nutrition by choosing a formulated diet


Harrison's Bird Foods have been scientifically formulated to provide all the nutrients a bird needs. A seed only diet, for example, lacks 32 essential vitamins and minerals - Harrison's provides these with no need for additional supplementation. This means no need for powders or drops where the level of uptake by the bird may be random and/or unknown. Indeed, the natural vitamins and minerals in Harrison's are scientifically controlled at the optimal level for your bird's health and needs and the addition of further supplements will unbalance this and may be harmful.


Harrison's is 100% organic so your bird's health is not at risk


Harrison's Bird Foods were developed by esteemed American avian veterinarian Greg Harrison to meet the needs of the modern educated bird owner who knows the importance of a formulated diet in preventing malnutrition and combating disease and death in companion birds.

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I am shocked any Greys ever made it this many 1000's of years without Harrisons, according to their claims of the high mortality rate the wild. ;-)


I know everyone promotes Harrisons as "The Best", but I am not one to jump on a one pellet fills the bill band wagon as Harrisons propaganda claims.


I personally do not believe a pellet diet for any animal, bird or fish for that matter is better than natural food in it's original state.


Every pellet manufacturer for dogs, cats birds etc claim they have the ultimate ingredients for you pets ultimate health.


That's great for the manufacturers wallet, but in my opinion, adds little if any longevity, vibrancy, physical strength or happiness to any animal or birds life.....

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:laugh: They dont sell Harrison's in the wild then Dan:laugh:


Very good points Dan.


It is as always a personal choice as to what diet any owner chooses for their grey, we can only offer are thoughts & experiences on those we think appropriate & what we use personally.<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2007/10/13 15:07

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I agree that no manufactured food is a replacement for natural food, but for convenience of not having to constantly replace fresh food, and giving quality fresh food when you can, I can definitely see the benefits.


LMG, is that info right from their site? Or do you just rehearse that response a lot? lol.

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Well, it may be the best according to most owners, and the Harrison's Company, but Talon HATES it! I have tried weaning her on it for 10 months, she throws it on the floor! I only recently got her point. :pinch: I no longer offer it to her, but our parakeets like it! :)

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Hannah_Rae wrote:

I agree that no manufactured food is a replacement for natural food, but for convenience of not having to constantly replace fresh food, and giving quality fresh food when you can, I can definitely see the benefits.


LMG, is that info right from their site? Or do you just rehearse that response a lot? lol.


Hannah it is a snippet of info from their UK site ;)

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