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Chicken bone question


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Haaa... when I give Timber the chicken bone I say "here you go you little cannibal." A lot of things freak the people I know out about Timber, but mostly how much time and attention I give him! The other night I said, "I really need to go. Timber needs out of cage time." Got the crazy bird woman looks from them ;)


Ours is no we can't work late the bird has to poop. Oh the looks we get with that one. :)

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I don't have a single friend or family member who has not asked "why would you want to keep a bird that will bite you?" My answer is always the same, to smile sweetly and say "Everyone has something different to offer. Sometimes it takes a while to uncover the hidden benefits and overcome challenges. It is kind of like my friends, sometimes we have to overlook all the things they do that don't seem helpful or kind and hope they learn something eventually." Gilbert is tough to understand sometimes but there are enough joyous moments to make all the hard work and trying magnificent and worthy.

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  • 1 year later...

Am bumping this thread up, as it's such great information. Thanks again Dave007 for sharing your knowledge. I never fed my 'zon nor my CAG chicken bones, but would give them bits of well cooked egg and well cooked chicken.


Catching up on modern bird nutrition, I was unsure about chicken bones, and checked here for the answer (was making a big pot of chicken noodle soup this morning, and thought I'd check here about the bones).


So to sum up and make sure I'm clear:


Boiled or otherwise well cooked

bone with knuckle ends prefered

gristle removed


Did I miss anything?

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Am bumping this thread up, as it's such great information. Thanks again Dave007 for sharing your knowledge. I never fed my 'zon nor my CAG chicken bones, but would give them bits of well cooked egg and well cooked chicken.


Catching up on modern bird nutrition, I was unsure about chicken bones, and checked here for the answer (was making a big pot of chicken noodle soup this morning, and thought I'd check here about the bones).





So to sum up and make sure I'm clear:


Boiled or otherwise well cooked

bone with knuckle ends prefered

gristle removed


Did I miss anything?


Nope, missed nothing---this is just to be more exact in what you should remember===


*Boiled or otherwise well cooked*---------baked is excellent too. NO FRIED ANYTHING.


*bone with knuckle ends prefered*------ wing bones are the best. wing bones have knuckles on either end. Wing bones are easily held by the bird.


*gristle removed *--------always. greasy bones get claws, feet messed up and dirty. Use your finger to scrape off the gristle on the knuckles.


Lightly scrub the bone with a sponge.

Edited by Dave007
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  • 4 months later...

This information is awesome! I would never have known that they can have chicken bones. Would the chicken bones be ok for my Sun Conure also? I can't wait to see how Phoenix likes it. Once again I am thrilled with all of the information I get from these forums.

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I hope they are ok for our sunconures, as I leave them the same food! Sunny and Sophie eat from several food bowls. Not sure who eats what.Chicken, as well as fresh veggies and pellets. Sunny gets mac and cheese and some high carbs privately, as he is old and needs some fattening foods. He is doing well... eats high carbs privately from Sophie as he needs to gain weight.( as suggested by my trimmer!) Nancy

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