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Chicken bone question


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If this has been asked and answered I apologize, but I haven't found it. How often should I give Timber (5 year-old TAG) a chicken wing (most of the meat removed)? I have found that he loves them, and know that I need to boil them for him, but don't know how often he should have one.



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Great! I bought some plain frozen wings to boil for him. Good to know he can have as often as I want to cook one. Also good to know I need to take the gristle off. Thanks :)


Room temp, warn temp, chilly temp --all good. Depends on what kind of a connisure he is. Expect a lot of dust at the bottom of the cage. They demolish those bones. . Not to worry. They don't swallow bone, just chew on them until they get to the marrow. The bigger the bone, the larger amount of marrow.

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Crown molding between kitchen and living room, mantle piece and several places on chairs and windowsills. Mostly cockatoo damage but the Grey flock have added a few decorative touches of their own. Sigh have to repair that damage before we ever sell, the mantle piece was the most difficult for my soul.

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Well, I'm sure Timber would like to have a go at several things, but he doesn't get the opportunity. Because of the free roaming cats, I always keep a pretty close eye on him. Since he won't step down on anything but a perch, he's limited to the cage, the playtop, his stand perch, and the big cage on the front porch. Oh, he will step off onto the fooseball table handles in the basement. So, he has had a lack of opportunity so far. As he gets braver, I'm sure he will start getting into more stuff though. Argh

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Gabby and Bongo turn those chicken leg bones to dust. As far a wood goes, Gabby chews all wood except the ones we lovingly call toys. I am just going to go get baseboards and hang them in her cage, if she thinks that they are okay to chew, maybe she will leave mine alone cuz it won't be a challange anymore! Or just start telling her no no when i put a new toy in her cage or on her stand. Lol

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Gabby and Bongo turn those chicken leg bones to dust.


Sondhi FREAKS for chicken. He seems to know when I've got it the market bags and starts running his beak along the bars of the cage like a convict. BUT, when I offer him the bones he looks at me like I'm nuts. I probably look like a nut standing there saying, "Come on, it's chicken. Chicken, chicken, chicken, yummy!"

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Haaa... when I give Timber the chicken bone I say "here you go you little cannibal." A lot of things freak the people I know out about Timber, but mostly how much time and attention I give him! The other night I said, "I really need to go. Timber needs out of cage time." Got the crazy bird woman looks from them ;)

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Your thread gave me the idea to try the chicken bones again with Gilbert. Last week, he rejected it. Not only did he pitch it from his food cup immediately, he went through a lot of trouble to go to the grates and fling it out on the floor. Yesterday, I gave it another go and what do you know? There he was gobbling it up and making yummy noises. I have tried it almost as many times as I have roasted a chicken since he has been here and he had no interest and was suspicious of me for even offering it, but here we are and he is loving it, at least once.

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Funny isn't it! Guess they are like kids, like something one day, not the next. Timber has been taking it by spells, so I'm not going to give them as often. The first couple he demolished, then one he hardly seemed interested in. Last night I gave him one and he ate it right down. Note to self: Don't push stuff he likes or it will lose its novelty and he won't eat it...

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