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My Sweet Rikki....long story


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Hi everyone, I just wanted to write about My cag Rikki. Rikki is almost 7 years old. Some of you may remember, I adopted her from a member here on the forum. I had tag Talon, and never had any intentions or desire to get another bird....(I am at 6 now).


How she came to me in a nutshell: a new member joined asking for help in trying to quiet their newly acquired Grey. They complained it made too much noise, whistled too much, and they wanted to quiet it down. They were asking for advice as they didn't like the noise. Well I was furious after reading their first post and laid into them about not researching BEFORE they got this bird. If they had, they would know they make noise! In my fury, I felt they didn't deserve the bird and that I would take it as they had no clue and you couldn't quiet a grey. ( knowing this is a worldwide forum, I knew there was no chance of them taking me up on my half hearted comment.

Well, next thing I knew, they sent me a pm, asking me if I would take her......as it turned out, they lived about 2 hours away and would drive her and her cage to me.....so that is how I ended up with Rikki. (she was 2 1/2 years old and I was her 4th and FINAL home)


Looking back over the first 2 years I had her, I was at my wits end with her, there were times I didn't want her due to her behavior. She was VERY moody, you could never trust her, she would bite you hard and split you open when you least expected it. She was always flying to the top of my woodwork and tearing it off in huge chunks. I almost considered rehoming her elsewhere......she was very difficult. There wasn't a lot of love between us as she wouldn't allow it.


Jump ahead to the last 3 plus years, she is the sweetest bird. She is so very happy all the time, she never bites, she adores my daughter and I, no favorites with her. She will kiss you anytime you ask, or make a kissy sound. She justs wants to be with you and be cuddled. She no longer is moody, no longer bites, no longer chews the wood work. She is a typical cag as new things frighten her and she is a nervous cag if everything in the house isn't in it's place. She will do anything I ask ofmher, she is the most loving grey ever.

In hindsight, I see it took her as long as she was old to realize that she was in her forever home and to adapt to us. I suppose she never really trusted that she would be here and not sent off to another home as she was before. Her history, she was bought in a pet store very young, bonded to a very nice couple, especially the husband, but he died of a terminal illness when she was 2 years old. The wife couldn't keep her, she had no time for her, so she passed her onto another couple who had her for 5 weeks then gave her to me. I think she was angry as she missed her bonded owner very much and her home. It took her so long to relax, but I wish I had known then what i know now ....maybe her transition would have been easier for her and us. I feel very bad about that, I wish I was more understanding and patient with her back then.


The lessons I learned, it takes a long time for a rehome to really settle in to their new envirement and feel relaxed enough to be themselves. And that know matter how many parrots you have, no matter how old you are, you ALWAYS have something to learn about them.

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The warmth,the love, and the memories you bring to us, Bless you. Jay


This goes to show how rewarding, how heartwarming and how fulfilling having a re-home, rescue or problem bird can be. But it takes a special person like you to have the willingness and the patience to overcome all obstacles. Thanks Talon for your wonderful story! Maggie

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What a great post to read. I am currently going through a challenging time with my TAG Ivan, who I have had just a year. It has been a year and so much of the time he has seemed so relax and happy and calm, most of the time actually. It is hard to keep in mind that he may not feel settled yet. As far as I know, he had one home and then went to a rescue after he because aggressive in his cage which frightened the owner. That is when he was offered to me from the rescuer as she knew I had lost my old WFA the month before. It sounds like Rikki was so lucky to have found you and that you were committed to her.


Hi everyone, I just wanted to write about My cag Rikki. Rikki is almost 7 years old. Some of you may remember, I adopted her from a member here on the forum. I had tag Talon, and never had any intentions or desire to get another bird....(I am at 6 now).


How she came to me in a nutshell: a new member joined asking for help in trying to quiet their newly acquired Grey. They complained it made too much noise, whistled too much, and they wanted to quiet it down. They were asking for advice as they didn't like the noise. Well I was furious after reading their first post and laid into them about not researching BEFORE they got this bird. If they had, they would know they make noise! In my fury, I felt they didn't deserve the bird and that I would take it as they had no clue and you couldn't quiet a grey. ( knowing this is a worldwide forum, I knew there was no chance of them taking me up on my half hearted comment.

Well, next thing I knew, they sent me a pm, asking me if I would take her......as it turned out, they lived about 2 hours away and would drive her and her cage to me.....so that is how I ended up with Rikki. (she was 2 1/2 years old and I was her 4th and FINAL home)


Looking back over the first 2 years I had her, I was at my wits end with her, there were times I didn't want her due to her behavior. She was VERY moody, you could never trust her, she would bite you hard and split you open when you least expected it. She was always flying to the top of my woodwork and tearing it off in huge chunks. I almost considered rehoming her elsewhere......she was very difficult. There wasn't a lot of love between us as she wouldn't allow it.


Jump ahead to the last 3 plus years, she is the sweetest bird. She is so very happy all the time, she never bites, she adores my daughter and I, no favorites with her. She will kiss you anytime you ask, or make a kissy sound. She justs wants to be with you and be cuddled. She no longer is moody, no longer bites, no longer chews the wood work. She is a typical cag as new things frighten her and she is a nervous cag if everything in the house isn't in it's place. She will do anything I ask ofmher, she is the most loving grey ever.

In hindsight, I see it took her as long as she was old to realize that she was in her forever home and to adapt to us. I suppose she never really trusted that she would be here and not sent off to another home as she was before. Her history, she was bought in a pet store very young, bonded to a very nice couple, especially the husband, but he died of a terminal illness when she was 2 years old. The wife couldn't keep her, she had no time for her, so she passed her onto another couple who had her for 5 weeks then gave her to me. I think she was angry as she missed her bonded owner very much and her home. It took her so long to relax, but I wish I had known then what i know now ....maybe her transition would have been easier for her and us. I feel very bad about that, I wish I was more understanding and patient with her back then.


The lessons I learned, it takes a long time for a rehome to really settle in to their new envirement and feel relaxed enough to be themselves. And that know matter how many parrots you have, no matter how old you are, you ALWAYS have something to learn about them.

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It sounds to me like there were lessons learned by both sides and that you both found neutral ground to build a relationship.

I can tell you the day and hour that Cricket and I first bonded and that time will always be special to me and I beleve for Cricket too.

I love all my fids, but Cricket is special because she turned out to be what every one said she would never be. My turn around girl

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to write about My cag Rikki. Rikki is almost 7 years old. Some of you may remember, I adopted her from a member here on the forum. I had tag Talon, and never had any intentions or desire to get another bird....(I am at 6 now).

How she came to me in a nutshell: a new member joined asking for help in trying to quiet their newly acquired Grey. They complained it made too much noise, whistled too much, and they wanted to quiet it down. They were asking for advice as they didn't like the noise. Well I was furious after reading their first post and laid into them about not researching BEFORE they got this bird. If they had, they would know they make noise! In my fury, I felt they didn't deserve the bird and that I would take it as they had no clue and you couldn't quiet a grey. ..........


I can't help but wonder if Rikkie's former keepers, as they drove away, said of you "That will teach her !! "

Seriously though, it was good of them to seek out advice when they realised they had taken on something beyond their experience and thank goodness they found you.

I am always surprised when people describe Greys as noisy birds. To me they are amongst the most musical and joyful parrots to live with. Although they certainly can be chew monsters!:eek:


Steve n Misty

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I can't help but wonder if Rikkie's former keepers, as they drove away, said of you "That will teach her !! "

Seriously though, it was good of them to seek out advice when they realised they had taken on something beyond their experience and thank goodness they found you.

I am always surprised when people describe Greys as noisy birds. To me they are amongst the most musical and joyful parrots to live with. Although they certainly can be chew monsters!:eek:


Steve n Misty


I say the same thing ... My kids are always telling her to hush up but I dont even hear it unless its the god awful scream that she does when slamming her bell round her cage LOL. everyone hears THAT! I watch her sit atop her cage with her eyes half mast just chirping away happily making all sorta sounds! I love that

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Thanks Talon, it is good to read about a happy relationship that started out rocky. I know we will get there with Gilbert but it helps to know that others have tread where we have been and there is a rainbow and sunshine in sight. We just have to stay calm, weather the storms and keep the faith. Lucky for me though that Gilbert is such a quiet, withdrawn little guy. There will come the day when he opens up the floodgates and makes lots of noise and while that would be a welcome change, I am sure it is going to be trying at times. Your experience is a blessing to us out here taking it one day at a time and hoping we are "good enough" to be accepted some day.

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That's a beautiful and encouraging story! Odd about the noise bothering some. Those whistles, chirps and household appliance mimics just tell me Timber is active and engaged. I can't imagine that anyone would not realize that birds (and other animals) are noisy, at least to some extent. Don't they hear the birds outside? I didn't know nearly as much as I should have when I brought Timber into my home, but I certainly didn't expect silence.

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