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terrible 2's?


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Emma turned 2 August 1st she's a female Timneh. We have had a very bonding relationship up untill now. I think she is starting terrible 2's from what i've read, so i'm looking for any advice on this subject. She is nippy, lots of beak clicking, won't let me get her off the cage, etc... Now i've read that you should stand your ground and let them know who's boss and to not give them attention for naughty behavior like biting, but how do you do both? If I ignore her and walk away when she tries to bite me isn't that also teaching her that if she clicks or bites that i'm not going to pick her up or take her out-which is exactly her goal. Help i don't want to confuse her or use the wrong techniques so anybody who's been through this maybe you can suggest real solutions that have been tried that will help. Also I just got a congo 1 yr old grey a week ago could this be affecting her? I make sure I keep my time with them very equal. I talk to one I talk to the other, I feed them both at the same time, hold them equally etc... IIf this is possibly the problem I'll take suggestions here too. Sorry so long but I'm starting to get a little frustrated and sad my baby's acting like this:(

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I sometimes say, "No" and then walk away, but no matter when she bites, we always walk away from her and go into another room ignoring her.


I find she bites more when she is tired, or if she's in a feisty mood, so at that point we leave her to herself.

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Emma could be a feeling a little threatened to jealous of another Grey getting your attention spilt between the two.


In regards actions you should take when she tries to bite. I would think walking away and leaving her alone would be the worst thing to do. She got her way, you didn't have her step up and you left her where she wanted to be.


If you want her to step up , you need to insist she do so by not giving in to her warnings. You are the BIG Grey in the Flock and she must respect that.


Just my two cents, but I never back off if I want Dayo to step up.

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FYI, If I want Talon to step up, and she bites, the whole game plan changes, but if she bites while I am playing with her, or when we are just hanging out together, it is still best to ignore the behavior.

We have been doing this for a while now, and her terrible two biting habit seems to be subsiding. But what works for one, won't always work for another.


I think biting when they are in their terrible twos is much different than a bird that just bites when it feels like it, thus they need to be handled a little differently.


Dan, hopefully Dayo won't go through the terrible twos and you won't need to learn that your entire strategy for handling unwanted behavior goes right out the window!! :pinch:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/10/07 20:05

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I doubt Dayo won't go through the terrible Two's, but he will always find my reaction the same. I will make him step up whether he wants to or not. If I must, he will get scopped up and taken where I want him to be.


I maybe a die hard old schooler, but I have always believed consistancy was the best teacher. :-)


Both my grown Son's can attest to that.


When they got Hormonal and Testerone pulsating through their veins, they found Dad's postion didn't change. If they took their boundary testing too far, they found theirselves against a wall being given the riot act and the consequencial damages they may incur if they wanted to take it to any higher level. :evil:


I guess what I am saying in a nutshell, is he will always find their is a force of equal and opposite reaction.


I know it's not everyones style, but it has worked for me. :-)

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