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Bulletin concerning bad pet food


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Thanks for the head's up. A long time ago, I was giving the jerky treats to our dog and her weight was going up. I would have thought chicken was lean but the vet said that every time I give her a strip, I should consider it similar to giving a four year old child a king size candy bar. That did it for us. This article is eye opening about reading labels and food origins.

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I can attest to the horror of watching a beloved pet get ill from similar chicken jerky treats. During the last recall my 4 pound chi got salmonella poisoning...I would have sworn she had Parvo. Luckily, she pulled through. I know many others who did not. :(

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I can attest to the horror of watching a beloved pet get ill from similar chicken jerky treats. During the last recall my 4 pound chi got salmonella poisoning...I would have sworn she had Parvo. Luckily, she pulled through. I know many others who did not. :(


How HORRIBLE. I'm so sorry. :(


This is why I have stopped buying treats. I make my own for the doggies...and they seem to love it, so all I good.


Geez, with the birds and the dogs....I'm becoming quite the cook!

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