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Weight is up! (Timber's, not mine ;)


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It's really hard to tell how large or small they are if you are a novice (like me) and they aren't sitting next to another bird of the same species. I didn't realize Timber was "small" until the vet said he was either. Timber has major issues with what he considers to be "step up" or "step down" worthy, so he wouldn't stand on a scale with a flat surface.

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It's really hard to tell how large or small they are if you are a novice (like me) and they aren't sitting next to another bird of the same species. I didn't realize Timber was "small" until the vet said he was either. Timber has major issues with what he considers to be "step up" or "step down" worthy, so he wouldn't stand on a scale with a flat surface.


I gotcha. I bet that makes it a pain. I know I read that he didn't go for the perch scale either. Smart little guy is onto you, Mom ;)

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Timbersmom Good for Timber, to be selective in what is worthy to stepup or down for. That shows a very secure bird in my opinion.Lately , Sophie is refusing to stepdown. No problems for a decade, now is refusing. In the morning, I have lots to do, so I don't have time for her refusal. Dogs and birds to feed, dogs need to go out twice. I finally figured out to put her on the floor in front of her cage. She stepped down immediately. Not sure why I knew she would.... but it worked. I feel bad that she wants to be with me longer, and I don't have the time. I always promise we will spend time together when I get home, and I always follow thru with my promises. Nancy

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He's been on to me for a long time. Training is going well though. So far, he has taught me to "speak" to "beg" to try things I don't want to eat, and many other things I'm sure he will remind me of... ;)


You forgot the part about picking up toys/bowls/random play things off the floor every time they look right at you and drop them.. Oh wait, that's ME. Hahaha. Maverick just loves to pull that one. He knows I am a sucker.

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They certainly have minds of there own. I wonder if it has anything to do with the kids being gone to school and you being by yourself? It seems like any change in routine evokes some kind of response from Timber, some negative, some positive! At least you were able to figure out a "work around." :)

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You forgot the part about picking up toys/bowls/random play things off the floor every time they look right at you and drop them.. Oh wait, that's ME. Hahaha. Maverick just loves to pull that one. He knows I am a sucker.


Isn't that the truth! That's an important lesson and I forgot it. Guess it has become such a part of my routine that I don't even notice anymore. Scary! You have to wonder if they are thinking "just how stupid is he/she?"

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