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question - worried mama


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If a 5 mo cag was playing a lot (running around the floor of cage, swinging, and generally carring on) is it possible they tired themself out to the point of laying on the floor and taking a nap?


I'm trying not to panic but i don't see her moving much on the camera... she stood up once and it appeared that she stretched and now she's laying down again...




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I am thinking it is possible. I had Lola out on a date today and she came home went straight for the food and water. I then promptly found her sleeping on her perch. I asked her to come out and she snuggled up on my chest like she does late at night.....when she's tired.

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Sassy, birds don't like to be flat footed. They don't spend time down low unless they have a reason. They don't sleep down low, either.


I don't want to alarm you, but this isn't normal sounding behavior to me & I'm kind of thinking you might want to call the vet before they close.

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luckily my vet is open till 8... the biggest problem is that I'm at work for 50 min yet... then have an hour drive home... Neytiri does love playing on the floor... she has numerous balls that she attacks and chases around....


just checked the camera again... whew... she's up on her boing moving and playing again...


I'm such a nervous nelly....



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I am too Sassy and I don't blame you for being worried! I know I would have been. I have a cam on Timber now too, and it is a two-edged sword. I love being able to see what he's doing all day, but I'm 40 minutes from home too. He plays on the floor a lot also, and is a forager. He will throw his food down there then eat it off the bottom. I noticed earlier that he appeared to be napping down there after he shredded a box I had left for him. He didn't stay a long time, but his eyes were closed for a few minutes! however, he wasn't lying down.

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Absolutely in love w/the idea that parronts can have Nanny cams beam to them wherever they are now. It would be nice if they could actually do something if you needed, though.


Very glad to hear Neytiri seems to be acting normal, again. I certainly didn't want to worry you, especially if she just thought that would be a fun thing to do for the moment. But what I posted earlier still applies. So you might keep an eye out that she's not spending too much time being still at the bottom of the cage.


And don't worry about being a nervous Mommy. You'll figure out a happy medium soon enough. Meanwhile, it just shows how much you love your fid!

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When Dayo was young and up to 9 or 10 month old, he would climb down, walk into a box we had on the bottom of the cage and lay down in it with his talons sticking out and take a nap in the middle of the day after playing hard. He will do this sometimes still at night when we are all sitting down and he is getting scratches from "Mommy". He will some times lay down fully on my wifes blanket in her lap and the next thing you know his talons are sticking out the back and he is sound a sleep. Very endearing to see, but happens only rarely and after a very exciting and playful day.

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Sassy, if you have any concerns at all I'd have her checked out by the vet. It sounds like it certainly may be "normal" behavior, but it isn't a risk I'd want to take. Yes, I'm a nervous nelly, but experience with other animals has taught me that I'd always rather be safe than sorry. Also, on a practical note, often a vet visit is cheaper than the treatment if you don't catch things early.

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She is fine. She is playful as ever chewing down on rice, beans, carrots, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and green beans. She's loving it! And stealing my chicken. (is it wrong she likes chicken)


She let me feel her legs and wings and nothing was sore (she didn't bite me, lol) I think she was just wore out.

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