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Wow! A Flood of "Language"


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My CAG Gracie is almost 14 months old. She started talking a bit when she was about 9 months old with the odd "mechanical" word here and there. Over the last two weeks she has just exploded with speech. Frankly I'm shocked. So far she says the following things:


Step up


Daddy's here

bye bye

bye bye baby

Hi baby

Good Girl

Wanna kiss

thank you

Night Night

Wanna Cheese

Barkley Doggie


I love you


At first it was hard to understand her. Now she is really getting clear. I know I should have expected this with a grey, but I feel so excited everytime she says something new. I have posted a video below of her being a little chatty. It's really very very cute. Those that have seen her previous videos where I asked what you thought she might be saying will have no problem interpreting her now. It's just amazing.

I hope you enjoy it.


She says: "Kiss" (makes kissing noise) then she says "Thank you!"



Edited by JeffNOK
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Now as I have been listening to this video...at :48 seconds it sounds like she says "nipple kiss". I want to say FOR THE RECORD...that little Gracie has never EVER heard me say that. I don't know what she is trying to say--but it isn't THAT!


To me it sounds like wanna blow kiss.

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She is so cute standing there practicing. I love her little kisses. When I listened the first time, I thought I heard her say "little kiss" but then read what it "might" sound like and listened a few more times trying to decipher it. In short order she will be making sure you know exactly what she is saying. She is an adorable little daddy's girl.

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awwwww :D :D that is such a great update! Marco is at the mumbling stage right now and me like a dork will hear her attempt to say something and then go ... "What?" :rolleyes: like shes gonna repeat it lololol DUH me! But when she talks or says something we just go with what it sounds closest too, I cant wait til I have that moment like you just had :D She'll be a year in December so I still have some time to go

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SO darling! I think Sondhi burst forth at about 14 months old. He's also having another big language burst. He also LOVES yelling. No, not like that. But if I start saying "WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" all the parrots join in with "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Oooooooooooo! Wowwwwwwwwwwwww!" It's pretty hilarious. I have to make sure the webcam is OFF before I do it or the Men in White Coats will be coming for me! :)

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I've been experiencing the same thing with Egan. He cracks us up with his words and the tone he uses, especially when he uses the dogs names. One interesting note is he often refers to himself as "Ego" instead of Egan. I don't know if it's because our little macaw is named Paco or if he just likes that name better.

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