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Out of cage


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I've had Scout for just a little over two months and I know that's not a long time but I can't seem to get him to want to come out of his cage. He's a sweet bird and seems to like me on the rare occasion he does come out. I don't want to force him to come out but I don't want a cage bound bird either. What should I do? He's not food motivated so I'm sort of at a loss. How am I supposed to form a unhealthy bond with my parrot if he won't come out!?! :)

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"Grey time" often functions in slow motion. Two months may seem like forever, but it is actually not very long at all in "grey time". You haven't mentioned how old Scout is, but he likely needs more time to adjust to this new life you are offering him. I am sure you will get lots of advice here, but sitting beside the cage and talking softly or reading a book is the best way to build the initial trust your bird needs to want to come out. Also dropping treats in his bowl or offering him a treat each time you walk by can help establish trust. I have only had Shadow (CAG) for just over a year, but she has taught me volumes about patience and trust.... Both take time. Do you know what type of situation Scout was in before he came to you? Please feel free to share more info about Scout and how he came to live with you. I am sure it will help everyone as they try to offer advice. Hang in there..and don't take his reactions personally.

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Scout is only 10 months old. I have tried all the things that you have suggested and haven't had any luck yet. I know it hasn't been long at all and I just need to be patient. i don't want to force him to come out but there are times I have to as we have a lake house and the birds go with us on the weekends. He is very sweet when he is out and will let anyone hold him.

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he will after I chase him around a bit which i don't want to do. He steps up outside of his cage no problem and will go to anyone.


Try to avoid chasing him around the cage. You don't want to inadvertently train him to be fearful of hands.


Watch him when he eats. Whatever he goes for first and with a lot of gusto...take it away from daily feedings. Make sure that he only gets the treat when he comes up out the cage. If he's still afraid to climb on your hand and get out...let it be for now. Show him a bowl of treats just a few feet outside the cage and let him come out on his own. See if this helps at all.

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Sorry, this is not my first grey. I should have explained better. He steps up fine outside of his cage its just getting him to come out. I know not to chase him around but sometimes I have to because we bring all of our birds to our lake cabin. Just needed some other suggestion on getting him to want to ome out. Food does not work. I probably just need to give him some more time.

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OtheG.. I apologize. I didn't know your experience. What worked for us.... when we all got home, we opened the door, played games in front of Sophie. She couldn't resist. She finally walked out of her cage, wanting to play with us. We ignored her, she stepped right up. Whose ever turn it was, we sent her off to stepup. She did.

She wasn't the major focus... she was " allowed" to play with us.( of coarse, it was all about her!) It worked! Nancy

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Oh no problem, I should have explained myself better in my first post. I have noticed the last few days that when I come over to his cage he will rush over for a tickle but if I try to take him out he crawls up and hangs from the top of his cage. His cage is downstairs and I have playstands and baskets on our mainfloor for him to be out on during the day when I am home. I am going to bring his cage home from the lake and have him live upstairs in it for awhile. Hopefully that will help. At least then I won't have to run downstairs 50 times a day to interact with him :)

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