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Sneaky little bird...


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Shocked me when i found him outside his cage just now while the cage is completely locked! He came to me suddenly and without making any sound, i was freaked me out (2 AM in Dubai now). I went to his cage to see the food door opened! It is not easy to open that door, especially from the inside. If he keeps getting out like that in the night, he may hurt himself exploring the house without supervision. I guess i should secure the doors from now on. My IRN has never done something similar, CAGs keep surprising me ;)

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The first time I saw the Cagebreak was on my webcam (watching from work). I actually watched him pry the food door open and come out. I've seen cages with padlocks (then again, I've seen a Military Macaw snap a padlock...I didn't want to pick that little guy up after that!!!)

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Do Greys see well in the dark ?!? Anyone know?


I don't think they're totally blind in the dark or anything. However, bad house lighting may give them problems. From what I've read, dim light changes their perception of colors (can lead to eating issues) & messes w/their depth perception considerably.


TWIX don't know if this is going to make you feel any better. But Phenix has never escaped in 20 yrs. Until yesterday when I watched the little beast get thru a spring loaded cup door w/a really good latch!


He's been in this cage for a couple of uneventful years. Then he started working that stupid door maybe a month or so ago. I rearranged the nuts & screw. But he figured out a way to bash the door up & down so it somehow jiggled the bolt just loose enough.


Boy was he proud of himself! I had to laugh a little even though I was pretty PO'd. I really like that cage. But he's a fid on a mission. If I can't outsmart him pretty soon, I think I'm going to have to get another cage. :(

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I have one grey and one macaw that escape out of their water dish doors. Funny, never the food doors, just the water. In Gabbys cage i moved the water bowl, same thing will happen soon, she is working on it. Bubba just came out the one time but when i go in the morning to let them out, he is hanging on the door waiting for me to get to his cage and when i get in front of him, while i unlatch the bottom lock, he kindly unlatches the top one for me. I think he is just being respectful of me because we all know he can get out any time he wants to, but he waits for me.

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The first time I saw the Cagebreak was on my webcam (watching from work). I actually watched him pry the food door open and come out. I've seen cages with padlocks (then again, I've seen a Military Macaw snap a padlock...I didn't want to pick that little guy up after that!!!)


What do you use to do this? I would LOVE to watch Mav from work!!

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What do you use to do this? I would LOVE to watch Mav from work!!


There are a couple of ways to do it. I found this to be the easiest:


Hook up a webcam to your computer. If you have one already built into your computer, that works. You need an account with UStream - it's completely free. Aim the webcam at the birds, hit the "start broadcast" button and go. It's really that simple!


Of course, it does mean others can peek in on your birds (so you have to turn it off when you get home, or risk being caught in your underwear singing to the animals!). Feel free to check mine out. The yelling in the background is one of the toucans. He's been at it for a few days. I think I need to redesign his cage, poor critter.


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Wingy... NOT gonna feel sorry for you! I met Jake, remember? I warned you he was a smart little guy, and there was no stopping him! I'm proud of Jake! LOL! Nancy


I've tied a raw hide strip over it to hopefully distract him from unscrewing it until I can get a locking nut. It took 2 of us to get that screw away from him. He wasn't giving it up in exchange for any treat.

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There is a reason i am so fond of Jake. I knew what he was capable of. When I first met him, I said to myself " Oh boy!" I knew what he was about to do to his " unsuspecting parrents!" He's doing it! LOL! Be proud of him. He is inquistive and wants answers how the world works! Just make sure you guys keep up, never let him be one step ahead.He is very intelligent. Kudos to you! Nancy

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There are a couple of ways to do it. I found this to be the easiest:


Hook up a webcam to your computer. If you have one already built into your computer, that works. You need an account with UStream - it's completely free. Aim the webcam at the birds, hit the "start broadcast" button and go. It's really that simple! [/url]


Sorry I am just now getting around to replying! Family emergency has had me occupied the last couple of days. I couldn't even remember what day it was when I got up this morning. Sheesh. This is so cool, though! I will most definitely be trying this out. But for now, I will just spy on yours.. :) MUCH more interesting than the work I need to be catching up on at the office today haha...

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