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Hi all Alfie is 6 months old now and seems to be doing fine, I watch lots of videos on u tube some by members of this site and thier grays seem to stay on play stands playing or on table tops while learning their latest tricks now my problem is Alfie will not stay anywhere he follows me and likes to be on me which is great until I am doing house work ect when he gets a bit mad with me for moving around so much, I try to put him on perch/playstand or top of cage but he wont stay same when doing training just flys on to me when I am right by him, so does this mean other birds have had their wings clipped, if so is this a good or bad move as I have read its not so good to do it, I end up having to put Alfie back in his cage to get things done when really he should and could be out alot more.

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My three are all flighted and follow me around the house all the time. You do have to set boundaries. My office is off limits to them as Ana Grey loves to eat keyboards and will even pull one out from under the desk to get to the keys. Very expensive. I have a mesh screen on the doorway and my parrots can see me from their bird room no problem. I also have boings and perches throughout the house. One thing my parrots love is to sit on my shoulder when I am at the sink. Running water fascinates them and they fly to me and on me whenever I have water on. I just flick them off my shoulder/back/head. Because they are flighted they get the hint and learn to sit on their boings and wait for me to be "free". You do need to be persistent and keep flicking them off. I'm not one for teach tricks to my parrots. They do come when I call, Ana Grey and Louie can shake foot to hand and all give kisses if asked but this has always just been I ask they do. It might help if you make the "training" sessions shorter, fun and not intent. I have never given treats as an incentive just tickles.

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My office is off limits to them as Ana Grey loves to eat keyboards and will even pull one out from under the desk to get to the keys. Very expensive.


I have my keyboard in a "hide a tray" - but left it open by mistake. Man! It's like a magnet...Sondheim charged it! Got there in the nick of time. :)


This is one I'm working on too. Burt will stay on his perch...but Sondheim thinks it's an amazing game and flies to me constantly. Work in progress!

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Yes Alfie loves the lap top maybe we should all get an old key board just for them, luvparrots when you say flick them off do you mean a quick movement of the part of the body they are on, thanks for reply


Yes. I just drop my shoulder or turn right or left depending where my parrot has landed on me. They know if I am not in the mood or am busy they need to "go away"! Because it is done in a non-aggressive way or without mean gestures or words they just go and land somewhere else until I am free.

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