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Just about 15 minutes ago my 11 month year old greyʻs leg got stuck in between her cage door. I luckily was able to pull the door off and free my babys leg free without stressing him as much as possible. His right leg by the bottom where the joint is all red and sort of bloody, its not bleeding it is just raw now and red. He is acting normal but panting hard as she is stressed right now. I do not know what to do. Should I take him to the vet ?!?!?!?!? I can not take him to the vet right now because they are closed. SHould I watch him closely over night and take him tomorrow? SOmeone please help me.

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First off, you need to calm down...get him to the vet tomorrow ASAP unless you see it is not broken, no bend, angle or deep cuts on it. Wrap an icecube in a torn sheet and do your best to hold it on the area. You can get Neosporin GEL or aloe vera gel. You can spray it off with aloe vera juice. The main thing you need to look out for is secondary infection so a vet visit is in order. For the stress for both you and your baby, get some organic chamomile tea. Brew it and don't add anything to it...let it cool to 109 or less and let your baby sip it out of the spoon or out of the cup, whatever is comfortable. You can add sugar or honey or whatever you want in it for you, not your grey. Keep us informed...Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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Deep breaths! Sometimes these things can look much worse than they are. Greys are very empathetic...so try calm down and don't stress the bird out more than it already is. Talk in a soothing, quiet voice. Follow Jayd's advice above. I'd say be ready to be at the vet's office when the doors open...if only to make sure everything is OK.


I know how how you feel right now. I once closed a cabinet door on my Toucan's foot. It took weeks to heal and every time I saw him with his foot up, I felt awful. But staying calm and cool is the best thing you can do right now until the vet opens in the AM.


Keep the Board updated...we are like our Greys, we feel these things very deeply!

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My earlier grey somehow managed to get its foot stuck in the door. He started screaming like hell I ran to see what's up and found it. Luckily I too got it out really fast and it wasn't damaged at all. Take it to a vet in the morning. What i've learned is that these birds are really fragile creatures. You have to be quick when you spot an issue with them.

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Hello everyone! I am glad to say my coco has survived the night. I could not sleep what so ever. I was watching him like a hawk, and I put on bacitracen ointment right before bed on his wound. It seems as if his outer skin on his leg by the joint rubbed too much in-between the door where his leg was stuck so the skin rubbed off and now its raw and red. It looks a way lot better today then yesterday. I do not think it is broken because he can stand on it, stretches it out with his wing, and climbs the same. He acts exactly the same and does not show any signs of problems. He talks and whistles just the same too which is very reassuring. He also still eats out of his injured foot, like a cherrio or whatever I give him. Thank you very much for the help that you guys have offered me! Including you Jayd! I am going to keep a close eye on him for the next couple of weeks making sure no infection breaks out. But overall everything seems to be fine.

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Hi, I'm so happy your baby is better, keep a close watch for infections. Please understand my next statement, you need to stop using the bacitracen ointment, it's not good for your baby, it's for Eye infections, you only want to use a cream, a ointment is petroleum based. Rinse it with warm water pat it dry and put Aloe Vera Gel on it, you can spray it with Aloe Vera Juice, I wouldn't try a different antibiotic untill your sure the bacitracen ointment is gone. You can use Neosporin Cream. Thanks Jayd

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Oh no, I hope I didn't just harm coco no by just putting bacetracine ointment. I stopped after I read what you had told me and I wiped it off with warm water like you said. The only aloe vera gel that I have is: 1. Solarcaine: burn relief aloe extra gel. 2. Naturally soothing cool aloe gel aloe vera. I also have aloe vera juice. But How much times should I be putting the gel on his leg? twice a day? I have been watching carefully to see if there is any infection but none yet. Thankfully! It looks as if the skin is pink and its not hard and scabby like it usually should be. He still acts the same and is playful, so that must be a good sign? He still uses the injured leg the same as he would before he ever got hurt. So I am praying that we do not experience anything bad along the way. Thank you for all your support! This is my first incident that I ever had with my grey in terms of "medical" problems so I am quite paranoid about the safety of coco.

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Hi, that's greyt, use your Aloe Vera juice a few times a day, Only use pure Aloe , try finding a live Aloe plant at a nursery. At the slightest hint of something not right, make a vet visit.. Pourd of you, you've done a greyt job...Thanks Jayd

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I believe, bacitracin ointment, will be fine. NOT just meant for eye infections. Jayd... are you back? Nancy


Talons post was correct, it's an Ointment, petroleum base, which is unsafe for birds as Penny stated. I'm back to a point on a day to day basis, Maggie still types for me....Thanks Jayd

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