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just a simple question


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seems momo is getting nice and nicer day by day.dsnt scream,eat all his veggies n fruit and less biting.

me and my husband satisfied for all his progress but its been 8 months now and he dsnt eccept my husband yet.i mean all men.i know many birds prefer gender but is he really that smart to compare between men and women??with women he will not growl and will come to take treats from them but with men...its very horrible.

any idea?thanks!!

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I can't really give any advice since I'm a new Grey owner, but my boy doesn't like my husband either. He will whistle with him and take a treat, but really that's it. I'm hoping with him talking to him and giving him his favorite treats, he will eventually accept him, if not like him! Good luck!

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I've had Timber about 3 months now. My husband still isn't his favorite, but he is 20 times better than he was with him! I see improvement as time goes by, and you probably will too. It's possible Momo had a really bad experience with a man (or men)? Yes, I think they know gender. I'd assume by smell like most animals.

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I can't really give any advice since I'm a new Grey owner, but my boy doesn't like my husband either. He will whistle with him and take a treat, but really that's it. I'm hoping with him talking to him and giving him his favorite treats, he will eventually accept him, if not like him! Good luck!


I'm in he same boat. It's only been about 4 weeks she's been home and hubby was away the second week. I hope that she at least stops growling at him.

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My husband refuses to give up trying which I totally think helps and Marco has just resigned to the fact that he aint going away LMAO :D :D however .... she does NOT like my boys, but then again they dont try to talk to her or spend any time learning her so she just wants to bite bite bite them they dont feed or touch her and rarely talk to her

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My husband refuses to give up trying which I totally think helps and Marco has just resigned to the fact that he aint going away


Good for him! I wish I had such a support group. Burt is terrified of my brother. Instead of my brother following the rules of standing back from the cage, offering treats...he blows him off. If he really wants to get on my nerves, he will wave his arms in front of Burt's cage until he growls, and then ask me "Why does he growl like that?"


Yeah, my bro can be a big jerk!

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Its important to work together as a family for bird to become comfortable with everyone. Of coarse Sophie preferred me, Kiki the Amazon preferred Sean, Sunny, the sunconure preferred Ryan. We worked together as a family to help them to understand, " can't pick one without the others!" We have done it, but it took several months. I would be glad to help anyone that needs this help. Nancy

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In eighteen months, Gilbert has gone from being terrified of each of us to tolerating each person slowly on his own terms. My husband and one daughter are often offered a step up from his cage whereas for a few weeks he will not step up for me unless he comes from one of them. It is a work in progress and when he is sweet to one of us, we all take advantage of that. Since he won't come to me from his cage, they will offer him a step up and I will stand there and get a hand off from them to me and he is fine with that. It does take a lot of time and understanding and kindness. I am certain that if your husband continues to speak kindly and offer treats to Momo, he will come around and be more tolerant of him and maybe even get to the point of seeking his companionship. For months, even if someone offered Gilbert a treat he would fling it to the floor with disdain. If he threw down a treat from David, I would not intervene and give it to Gilbert. He slowly learned we are a family unit and a flock and it is all for one and one for all. It is taking a long long time, but it has been well worth it.

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Maverick also does this to my boyfriend. He is 100% attached to me and tries to bite Eric whenever he goes to pick him up. We have just been trying extra hard to make sure he is the one that handles him when he wants out of his cage or off of his perch so that he learns he is going to have to allow Eric to handle him in order to get what he wants. He does not always go along with it, but he has improved quite a bit. I have learned (and MANY others on here will tell you the same thing) that they feed off of your energy. If the person attempting to handle the bird is hesitant or fearful of being bitten, the bird will sense that and in turn try even harder because they know it works. When Eric started being more insistant because he learned Maverick was bluffing and usually didn't bite hard, that is when the improvement set in. Just something to keep in mind.

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So important to practice stepup with the rest of the family. Whether it be the primary care giver getting them out of the cage, then handing off, etc. All family members should be involved in feeding and cage cleaning. Sophie and Ryan have a habit of disappearing, while Sean and I do all the work! LOL! We catch them and march them right back! Eventually, your bird learns and understands, we all " serve" a purpose for them. IE: Ryan is fun for singing and dancing when he plays the guitar: Sean is fun for playing Hide n seek: I'm good for feeding, snuggling and caring for you when you are scared. Mom duties! Sophie and gang, learned early, we all served a purpose, lets give everyone a chance. Nancy

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So important to practice stepup with the rest of the family. Whether it be the primary care giver getting them out of the cage, then handing off, etc. All family members should be involved in feeding and cage cleaning. Sophie and Ryan have a habit of disappearing, while Sean and I do all the work! LOL! We catch them and march them right back! Eventually, your bird learns and understands, we all " serve" a purpose for them. IE: Ryan is fun for singing and dancing when he plays the guitar: Sean is fun for playing Hide n seek: I'm good for feeding, snuggling and caring for you when you are scared. Mom duties! Sophie and gang, learned early, we all served a purpose, lets give everyone a chance. Nancy


You are so very lucky, Nancy! There's a few single people on the board (me, included). I am the cage cleaner, trainer, snuggler, singer and dancer all rolled into one! I love it, but it can be very exhausting. :)

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Sarasota Thanks! I know how good I had it! LOL! Not anymore. Both boys off to college this year. We are in transition. So far.... not a problem. Sean came home this weekend. His first year at college. Kiki is bonded to him. She wouldn't talk to him for a day, instead flying and landing on me. LOL! ( I'll show HIM!) Next morning, she was putty in his hands! They are doing well with both boys away, but I can understand, how much work it would be for a single person! I'm learning. Nancy

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