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Little Stinker!


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So, Virgil has been with me for 3 weeks now and is doing wonderful! He has bonded very well with me. We are still working on getting him not to regurg every time he comes to me. On Saturday, I was cleaning the house and I had noticed that he got really quiet. I went out in the livingroom and couldn't find him in his cage or on his playstand! When I called for him he squeaked ever so softly to get my attention. Some how he had climbed up on top of the mantle! He can't fly, so I'm thinking he climbed from his cage, up the wall over to the mantle. Our walls are a rough hewn cedar with 1X2's covering the joints. So I got him down, which I think he was grateful because he couldn't figure out how to get down on his own, and put him back on his playstand.

Well yesterday, I was in the office doing the bills when again he got real quiet. I went out and again couldn't find him. Only this time when I went around the couch, he was standing on my sneaker that I had left out :) So I go to pick him up and the little booger runs away from me and laughs! This happened about 3 times yesterday. I watched how he is doing it. He climbes down to the floor of his cage, gets on the seed guard, and then jumps off onto the floor. So I guess he's feeling comfortable enough to start exploring! Only now I have to figure out how to keep him out of trouble! LoL

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Little stinker indeed! Do you ever have the feeling they think you are big and slow and are just toying with you? That's how I feel sometimes. Timber likes to play "pull the paper out of the bottom of the cage before she gets here" with me. He climbs down his cage and starts pulling the paper I use as a cage liner out (when he is on the outside of the cage). As soon as I start that way he runs back up the cage and just looks at me. Round and round we go!

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I am very grateful, Sophie has learned to love all of us. When it comes to Sean my youngest, he's not so easy to win over. Sophie's favorite game for him, is biting thru the holes in his crocs. She laughs and runs! She hide's in plain sight, Sean pretends he doesn't see her. She's got her little butt sticking up, head down. It is such a riot! He pretends he can't find her, then does. TAG! Your it! He runs laughing with Sophie in hot pursuit. I amuses me everytime they do it. Nancy

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Marco isnt sure when I do peekaboo with her LOL ... she looks at me like Ive lost my mind! BUT .. the older she gets the stronger and definately MORE daring she's getting tryin to grab the curtains from atop her cage and climb them :mad: so I have to make sure I position the cage just right where she cant reach that or the shelf or the shadow box on the wall behind her cage lol which shes tried numerous times to open the lil doors on it !!!!!!


Course I convince myself moving the cage will keep her off of things and completely forget IF she really wanted on there she'd just FLY !!! :rolleyes: but even she hasnt gotten THAT brave yet. Shes just started to fly from my hand when I walk her to the boing I'll get just a few ft away and she'll fly the rest of the way so that is cool that shes mastered landing on that! :D

Edited by aerial.2000
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