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I hope I can paint this picture for everyone...


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It is a beautiful day here so the birds can go outside and play. Bongo and Gabby in their aviary, Oliver and Bubba in theirs. Pat and i are on the front porch enjoying a "beverage" talking about the kids being in the backyard as we are in the front. Suddenly our macaws go off screaming. Pat and i jump to run to the back yard, as we approach them we slow down because we see they are fine but they are still screaming, the greys are just watching them. Then my husband sees what is going on, our neighbors cable guy is trying to climb our fence to get to the box in our yard. Oliver and Bubba are setting off the alarm!! The boys settle down when we talk to the guy, all is good. Getting a call from a neighbor a few doors down saying the boys set their bird off, oh well, lol. About 20 minutes later the neighbors who were having their cable worked on came outside, we did not know that though, and we hear Bubba saying hello. We then see the tops of their head and figure out whats going on and we all had a laugh. We start wrapping up the conversation saying how we will get together for a bbq soon when Bubba at that moment starts telling them bye... All the while the greys are just watching all of this! I hope this is as funny in writing as it was in person because i really have not laughed that hard in a long time!

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lol Did you have any idea what an adventure you were signing up for when you decided to get a couple of more more birds? That larger than life image I've always had of Macaws has certainly grown from reading your posts!


Fun to read, though. If things keep up this way, you might be able to sell off the royalties to pay off the vet bills.

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Welp they are are a handful but a joy! After posting that story, i got Bubba out for some one on one love/play time. After several sweet loving kisses the booger grabbed my bottom lip and caused such a split there was a debate about if i needed stitches or not. I am sure i should have gone to have it looked at but eh, people get split lips all the time! So i drink with a straw for a few days, alls good! He did not mean any harm.

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Welp they are are a handful but a joy! After posting that story, i got Bubba out for some one on one love/play time. After several sweet loving kisses the booger grabbed my bottom lip and caused such a split there was a debate about if i needed stitches or not. I am sure i should have gone to have it looked at but eh, people get split lips all the time! So i drink with a straw for a few days, alls good! He did not mean any harm.


Parrots having hard beaks and all I don't suppose they think of human beaks as being so delicate!


Steve n Misty

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Well its for sure no one will be able to sneak up on you two without you knowing it for you have quite an alarm, my sun conure lets me know if anyone strange is around so it is better than having a guard dog around, sorry about your lip but they probably don't realize what damage they are capable of doing, I am sure no harm was intended but it still hurts just the same.

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