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Hello from Miami,FL


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Hello Everyone!!


Well I will soon be the proud owner of a male CAG!

He is still to young to take home. Back in 2005 I lost my CAG, his name was Rico and I had him since birth. He was so good and well trained. But unfortunately while I had him out in my back yard in his cage, he managed to get the locking clip off and got out and on top of his cage. I tried carefully to go out to retrieve him but to no avail? He flew (Yepper, his flight feathers grew back)!! I tried to look for him for days and placed fliers out but nothing! So my only wish was that he found a good home.. I was so devasted that I refused to get another one until now,LOL!! So yea, I'am looking forward to having a CAG again and I will be careful this time around!!

Thank You and looking forward to hearing from you all!

Will from Miami,FL

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Hello and welcome to the family, Will, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey.


I am so sorry about Rico, but hopefully he did find a new home and is loved and well taken care of. I assume you won't be making the same mistake with this one.


I presume he is still be handfed, when do you expect to be able to bring him home and what will you name him, since you already know its a male?


If you have any specific questions feel free to ask us anything, we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can. Please read thru any or all of our many threads here on various topics for lots of useful information.


If you have a picture of your new cag or can get one, please post it for us to enjoy, we really love to see the babies, they are so adorable.:)

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Welcome Judo!!


It's sad to hear how you lost Rico and I hope to that he is thriving in another loving home.


It's good to hear you are getting a new baby soon and welcoming back the joy a Grey brings with it. :-)


I look forward to hearing more about your new Grey and maybe seeing some photos when you get a chance.

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Thank You for the WARM WELCOME!!


The Breeder of my CAG has a female that is due in a few weeks. I requested a male if possible. But I'am already looking for a nice big size cage and etc to have it all ready for his arrival. Rico's cage and toys was thrown away because it was hard to see it around. It's taken me 2 years to finally come around and buy another CAG. When I departed for work Rico would say; ( bye Papa ) and when I came home he would get all excited and say (Papa is HOME)!! And he would say; ( I Love You ) and when I was cleaning around the House he would say; (What are You Doing)!!LOL!!


So No, I will not make the same mistake again!:-)

I was still fairly new with the African Grey and Rico was so smart that he figured out how to get out. He was sitting on top of his cage so upon going out my yard,I quess he got spooked and flew away!!


I have'nt decided what to name my new Baby but it will not be RICO, That's for sure!!LOL!!


Thanks Again Friends!!:)

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Hello Judo, welcome to the family. So sorry to have read your story about your last grey it must have been heart breaking. :( I'm sure you will be more careful, it's hard to stay sharp with a grey since they will figure everything out sooner or later. Look forward to your posts and congratulations on your new grey. Enjoy



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Thank You FairY,fourtrap,Talon,Joe & LovemyGreys!:)


I do plan to be a value member of this forum and I will surely keep you all posted as to when my grey will be coming home! I don't ever remember seeing this forum back in 2004? I was a member of the Round Table and kept in contact with a few other CAG owners around my home. I had my Grey as a Baby in which I hand fed him. And he was almost 2 years old when I lost him but I will be very careful with my new baby!! Guy's You are all Great and Thank You again for your replies!!

Looking forward to learning more about CAG's from You All!!:)

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