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The winner is

Ray P

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Shadow my CAG can hang with the best of them, my Amazon although she eats well, hasn't seem to quite figure out that she is a hookbill and that the beak is meant for "digging in". Sami the Green cheek however, can probably out eat them all! She never stops.

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All of our big birds are good eaters...I have to say however that Salsa is a big green eating machine...When I give her her morning and dinner plate, she will eat it and then go over it again to make sure that she didn't miss anything. Tango ('Too) is definitely a vegetarian. Twice a day, she eats more veggies than a human. She also eats her 1/2 slice of toast in the morning along with her favorite, Orzo pasta. They all love their cooked Orzo more than any other pasta. Joe's tastes changes day to day but it is amazing to see the changes in his diet over the last year. He chews everything 50 times before swallowing and he likes to look around the room and give kisses while he eats. He treats everything like it has a skin on it....he peels a macaroni, he peels a carrot, he peels a corn....etc. Salsa used to use a spoon while she ate...now she just picks up the plate and holds it to her mouth while she scarfs it down. Our birds all think they live in a Greek household....they all toss their plates on the floor when they are done eating...thank God for Corning-ware....lol....Maggie

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