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Lets get back to enjoying our forum

Ray P

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In the past few months we hit a few speed bumps that slowed us down a bit.

We all came here with a purpose, to learn, to share and to teach.

As a member I post and interact with others on this forum.

As a moderator I help with giving direction as to the path we take.

So as a Mod. my direction for the day IS, Lets get back to sharing and having fun with each other.

The teaching and learning will come on its own.



Check in in on the Honored amazon thread and the Other birds Honored thread and it will show just how great we are.

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Ray, I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Parrots of course. Hahahahaha. Every person has a unique set of life experience, a unique parrot experience and much to offer all of us. One of these days I fear you are going to coax me over to the Amazon side. Gilbert already has a stink eye going for me for a few months, he would not tolerate such a betrayal. Still, I look and look and live vicariously through your postings and love of Cricket as well as every other honored parrot on our site.

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