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Too Much Fun!! Ride'em Biscotti Bird!!


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I just can not tell you how much I appreciate you posting your video, I keep going back just for the chance to laugh with Biscotti. Tonight it was even more meaningful because Gilbert gave me a window of opportunity to hold him. He likes to listen to this video from across the room so I brought him to my computer and he sat on the arm of my chair to watch this again with me. That was the beginning of our very best together time since he came here eighteen months ago. Who knew Biscotti would be our little touchstone and bird whisperer? It means so much more to me since I have been following your posts since the beginning and if memory serves me right, he is the age that Kopi and Juno would be so watching him also seems like a little winged angel connecting our lives.

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Wow Dee, that is amazing!! I so hope that Gilbert enjoys Biscottis silly antics!! Biscotti was hatched June 1st 2009, yes very close to Juno & Kopi in age. He has been a little grey feathered angel ( and occasional devil :) )in my life, he came to me in 2009 & helped occupy an immense hole in my life that was created in 2008. I am really beginning to believe that the animals ( and people probably too ) who enter our lives are there to either teach us, show us, cause us to think outside the box or fulfill a part of us we don't even realize is lacking. If we can accept these amazing creatures ( all animals ) when they come into our lives and open our minds to see what they are going to "teach" us & accept that they are who/what they are, we will learn so much.

I sincerely believe that you understand what I mean, you have been the ultimate "rescue" parent to Gilbert & such a role model/mentor to those bringing in rehomed birds. :)

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Thank you Chelsea, I just have to tell you and all our forum friends that every post becomes part of my life and helps direct the journey we have with Gilbert. When they say it takes a village, you are my village. Silly Biscotti just happens to be auditioning for the jester. LOL. Thanks for your kind words and for just being you. Biscotti may have started out filling a hole in your life but he is so much more and it is obvious, you are his mentor and his rock. Isn't nice he can be perfect in my eyes 'cause he will likely never get into trouble, or chase my dogs, or put holes in my belongings, or make any messes in my house? Kudos to you for being his friend.

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Yes, Biscotti would be the jester! :) I agree, it does take a village & our village here is full of the most awesome residents! I would feel so alone raising Biscotti if I didn't have all the wonderful input & information from our forum.

And Dee since we have survived the terrible twos Biscotti and I are settling down into a nice routine. He is still not to happy with bedtime but we are working on that. :)

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Hi Morana, it is just a growth stage they seem to go through around 2 yrs old when they are becoming more independent and willful. Not as cuddly as when they were babies. Human babies have a similar stage & I'm sure that is where the term came from. I think the actual age this occurs will vary from bird to bird, Biscottis' actually started around 18 mo. and he is just now seeming to settle down some. He was 3 in June. Thank goodness it is just a stage & will pass!

This is my first experience with having a baby from weaning age, so maybe some of the more experienced members will have a better description for you.

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The " terrible two's" is real. It can actually start before eighteen months, and start after three.Its an important time. Most birds start chewing their feathers during this time, mostly, I think out of frustration. It is a time to be consistent, training and developing trust. For our family, it was a time to set expectations and rules. Many won't agree with that, but it doesn't matter, since it worked for us. I'm just offering what worked for us. I'm not right, or wrong. Nancy

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