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Too Much Fun!! Ride'em Biscotti Bird!!


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I love this bird! Thank you so much for sharing that. Made be laugh out loud...he has such a great sense of humor. My grey is very stoic and generally takes herself very seriously. I am tickled to see that Biscotti is such a free spirit!

You ride'em Biscotti bird!! Whoohoo

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We have a bit of a rigid, uptight fellow too and Biscotti is just as free as the wind. What a great sense of humor he has to laugh at himself and just put all of his energy into having fun. Our whole family imitates Biscotti's phrases and happy sounds. I make them all gather around to watch on my computer because I don't want to miss the expressions on their faces to see Biscotti in action. He is such an integral part of our lives. But with all that said, when I watched this one, I snorted coffee right out my nose. I swear I will never try to have my coffee with Biscotti any more. LOL. Not this Biscotti any way.

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I wish you could know just how much delight Biscotti brings to our lives. I can't get enough of his antics and videos. He has the happiest spirit and just keeps us smiling. Gilbert listens to his chattering and laughing and is very interested. He may just come out of his shell to come sit by the computer with me because Biscotti intrigues him. Thanks again for his funny funny videos.

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Biscotti is a riot! VERY intelligent too! I noticed he " missed" grabbing the front of the cage once, to speedup. He got it the next time! Picking up his foot, I think he was pondering... " will this help speed me up?" My audio is dead... kids planning on fixing it, but it actually helps me focus on the visual. I'm seeing alot! Lots of cognitive thought. Nancy

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Thanks everyone!! Biscotti really is very entertaining, you never know what he is going to say! So glad you guys enjoy him too!

Katana I hope Gilbert will enjoy the videos- can't wait to hear a big laugh from him! :)

Luvparrots - it is the BEST swing, seems indestructible ! One of few things ( maybe the only, hummmm ) that I haven't had to replace!

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Gilbert adores my daughter and she brought him to me to watch Biscotti again last night. He was saying "hooo" like Biscotti and then laughing when Biscotti laughed. We played it over and over and just laughed with him. It was such a nice exchange. Now when I play it from across the room, Gilbert gets excited and bobs his head and hoots. He has enjoyed other videos but I think this one makes us laugh so much that Gilbert just wants to join in. Biscotti is just a free spirit and a happy little pip. As much as we enjoy him, I know you must just be head over heels in love when he is with you always.

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I just watched all your videos and I was laughing so much my coworkers came over to see what was so funny. So of course I had to show them and soon everyone was laughing! They were great! I hope Virgil will pick up more the longer we have him. I just cant stop laughing!!!

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