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How do I stop the clothes chewing?


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So Kenzie is doing pretty good and each day is getting better and steadier while perched on my hand. We're definitely building that trust. When she's perched on my hand or arm she leans so far into me to get to my shirt. She'll chew on seams and of course buttons and try very hard to get my necklace. I don't know if it's just a patience and keep telling her no and redirecting her that will finally get this behavior to stop or what. I don't get frustrated with her- it's like she wants to be as close as possible but when she gets there she's crazily trying to chew my shirt. I know she's not hungry so its not that. Any advice?

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Welcome to the world of being a parront. There really is no way to stop, you can try, but they will continue to do it no matter what. Many of my shirts have holes in the shoulders. I can't buy anything with sparkles or glitter or beads, they will go nuts trying to pick it off. The good clothes go on when they are in their cages and I am headed out.

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It seems to be another addition to the ever growing list of how a parrot will change your life. They all seem to like the "swiss cheese" look, an integral part of the designed by parrot handiwork......swiss cheese shirts, towels, curtains, phone books, mail, important documents and the list goes on. Good luck with the distractions. :)

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^^^ But it not only solves the clothes chewing issue, it also takes care of the pooping problem & sharp claw punctures, too. :cool:


There's a place near me that sells professional uniforms cheap. I've gotten a couple of very cute scrub tops for warmer weather. I use an ancient robe that's good for added warmth when it's cold. Although I don't really know how many winters the poor thing has left.

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In the past when I had a parrot who let me get close enough, I took several of my old tee shirts and cut them off just below the sleeve, then opened the sleeves and had a quick guard to put over my head to protect my clothes. Some people will sew velcro or a couple of quick links and then can attach a toy to keep them busy. My thought is that Kenzie has figured out this is a sure fire way to get your attention right quick. Maybe if you try wearing something like this for a while so it is not such a taboo, she will grow past this stage and not be so possessed with it.

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First thing I do when I get home from work is put on my "parrot friendly" t-shirt. It's pretty tattered with holes and poop stains.


You can try and offer another thing to chew on while the bird is on your arm. Forewarning, though, this could frustrate the bird and lead to biting. I learned that one the hard way! :)

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Thanks everyone for your advice. I kinda figured I would get the whole "welcome to being a parront" answer however much I may have hoped I wouldn't. I do need to remember to take my necklace off when I've got her out. I guess I have just seen the videos of people with their Grey on their shoulder and it doesn't seem like their bird is so preoccupied with chewing up the shirt. I have to admit though the sound she makes when she's got my shirt is a bit like a purr, I hope that's not a bad thing. She's starting to sometimes make the sound of "hello" - not so much the enunciation but rather the tones and also an excited "ooooohhhhh" which cracks me up. Everday it's something new- some new sound or behavior. I love being able to read about what others have done in training and be able to recognize some of the same things with my Kenzie. If I haven't said it before. I'm completely in love with her. What an amazing beginning to a new life with our family!

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Now jewelry we don't have too much problem with. It's not like cloth where the first grab is likely to leave a mark. I've always been able to just take it away a few times & tell them no. So far nothing's gotten destroyed.


Greyt to hear how delighted you are & how well things are going w/Kenzie, otherwise. They really are amazing, fascinating, wonderfully complex little beings aren't they.

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The age and stage of the parrot as well as your own motivations of having her on your shoulder will guide you in teaching Kenzie what is acceptable. She will eventually learn you are not a toy and your clothes are off limits if she wants to be on top of you. I don't know if parrots go through a "puppy-like" chewing phase but their beaks and tongues are a way of exploring and testing their world. We did have Java since she was a baby and she chewed a lot of tee shirt bibs in the beginning and now she is six and it is easy just to say no and give her a distraction and she hasn't snatched off a button or poked holes in our clothes in ages.

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Timber hasn't made a hole in any clothing yet. He did decide a rhinestone on my shirt would be a good target the other night when I was sitting with him on my arm. I just touched his beak to distract him and started petting him. He will take my shirt in his beak a bit when he's cuddling (for security I'm assuming) but doesn't chew or make a hole. He's about five. Maybe it will slow down with age. Then again, it may be a personality thing, what do I know! ;)

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I've tried telling her "no" in a firm tone and after I get her to let go, I lift a finger and place it in front of her pointed up and gently touch her beak and repeat "no biting". I just about crack up each time because she just gives me this look like "Mom, what the heck are you doing???". It's like trying to discipline one of my kids when they were toddlers and did something wrong but so funny and trying so hard not to laugh. Thank to everyone who has responded!

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Ok so last night I gave Kenzie her shower and she finally opened up her wings as I was spraying her and ended up getting completely drenched. I was a bit worried about her getting dry before bedtime, so I took her in my room and sat with her on a towel. I told her "here comes a loud noise" and turned my blow dryer on, on the lowest setting. She just stayed right there and fluffed up a bit. She never acted scared. After a couple of minutes, I turned the dryer off and just sat there with her. I had already removed all earrings and my necklace and put an old shirt on. She walked on over to me and climbed up towards my shoulder and stopped just under my chin- and stayed there. Not biting. Just cuddling and making soft little sounds. I then moved out to our living room and again sat with her on the floor and she was still just staying right there under my chin. I had her feet partially supported with my hand and was gently talking to her and rubbing her neck feathers and cheeks. Even when I stopped, she just sat there. So, after my legs fell asleep (yep I'm old, well not really but I feel like it sometimes) I moved to our dining room table. Again she stayed right there, moved from side to side, but always stayed right there either under my chin or right against my cheek. At times, she would bury her head in the crook of my elbow. For over an hour she stayed like that just so relaxed and enjoying getting her feathers ruffled up from her neck to the tip of her beak, her chest and even a little bit under her wings. I tried to then tell her good night and put her back in her cage, but as soon as I set her down on the perch, she came right back, even getting on her boing which she doesn't do often, so she could come back to me. So I sat with her a little bit more. I was in absolute heaven. Each of my kids came over and rubbed her neck a bit, which was good for them. They are a bit nervous about her beak. Here's a pic my daughter took. I am only supporting her feet, so even when I just sat there she still stayed right there, just laying on me.


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You could just melt my heart with that photo and description. We had that for a few short weeks before we lost our baby. He will be forever young and I will soak in this moment thanks to you and others with babies. Gilbert is hands off, but in my heart I think about the day that may come when he is relaxed next to me even if it isn't touching or holding him. What an incredible family time you had with your kids too. I can almost smell the sweet grey scent warm under your neck.

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